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The car pulled to a smooth stop in front of the villa's gated entrance. The driver typed a passcode into the gate's keypad and it opened. My heart was beating a mile a minute, I had so many thoughts racing through my brain at once. I can't believe I left everything behind to move to Cancun with my 3 best friends & new boyfriend. And that was the other thing, the fact that I was the girlfriend of Tom Kaulitz. The Tom Kaulitz. Do you know how many people are going to be upset when this becomes public? I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't realize we had parked in front of the house and everyone was getting out.

"You coming?" Celine asked, popping her head through the window of the car.

I nodded my head yes and got out. People were already taking our bags in for us, I think it was Gustav and Bill's bodyguards.

"Hey! You made it!" exclaimed Bill, walking down the entrance stairs.

This is when I started to take the time to gawk at the house. It was huge. It was also super cool looking, I'd never seen anything like it.

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I beamed at Bill and ran to hug him, already feeling the excitement building in my chest

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I beamed at Bill and ran to hug him, already feeling the excitement building in my chest. This was going to be great.

"How were the flights?" he asked, letting go of me.

"Wasn't too bad, Blake sure kept us entertained."

Georg had already made his way outside and swept Celine away. Zoe & Blake were running circles around the property, they couldn't believe their eyes. I don't blame them, this place was fucking awesome. Bill was dressed in a black t shirt with swim trunks. This was the first time I had seen him with his hair down and no makeup in awhile. He still looked the same as he did when we were kids.

"I was just about to get into the pool if you wanted to join. Tom and Gus are already swimming." Bill said to me.

He showed me around the front of the property for a bit before showing me to a room.

"This is your room, you can sleep here if you want. I didn't know if you wanted to stay with Tom or not." said Bill.

The room was beautiful. It wasn't huge, but it wasn't small either. It had it's own bathroom and a big window looking out to the ocean. The house was basically on the beach, so I had the whole view right in our back yard.

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