There's Something Wrong

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A/N: hellooo. this chapter is shorter in comparison to the others because i wanted to stop it at the perfect spot. also, theres a song that goes with the first half of the chapter. i left a link!


The plane ride home was silent. The entire 12 hours weren't filled with fun anymore, just dread.

Celine was sick the entire flight, and I was starting to get concerned. We said our goodbyes and parted ways. I know I'd see them soon, especially for recording sessions, but it still stung as the realization sunk in. The fun was over, and the boys were gone. Tom was gone. I drove Celine home since she was too sick to focus on the road. 

"Well it's obviously not food poisoning if it's lasted this long..." I spoke.

"I don't know what it is, but I feel like shit." she replied quietly.

There was something both of us were thinking, but neither of us wanted to say it. I glanced over at Celine, grabbing her hand and giving it a squeeze. I saw a tear fall from the corner of her eye.

"Celine... I know you might not want to hear this but-"

"I know. I already bought a test." she cut me off.

I pursed my lips, not wanting to push her any further. I pulled up in front of her house and carried her things in for her. 

"Do you want me to stay?" I asked.

"No, it's okay. I just want to be alone right now." she replied coldly.

I knew she was going through a lot. She wasn't feeling well and there could be a very scary reason causing it. Georg was gone, and now we had returned to the less tropical lands of Germany. I gave her a quick hug and nodded, walking out of her house. I got in my car and sighed, placing my forehead on the steering wheel. Man, this sucked. It was the same feeling I'd get when it was time for my mom to pick me up from a sleepover. I missed our little la la land, all of us wrapped in our small bubble at the villa. I missed Tom

I pulled myself together and drove home, music playing quietly. 'Wish You Were Here' by Pink Floyd began to play on the radio. Of all songs that could play, why this one? I blinked back tears, sticking my hand out of the open window and into the night sky. The lights of the city faded as I got closer to my home. I felt more and more isolated. I debated on staying the night at my parents' house but decided against it, I was almost home anyway. 

I stepped out of the car, being hit with a chill of the September night's air. I decided to wait to bring my bags in until the morning. I unlocked my front door and walked into my large home. The lights were off, and it too, felt cold. I shivered a bit. Something felt off.

It was probably because I hadn't been home in awhile, or been alone. I flicked the lights on and walked into the kitchen, also turning the lights on. I noticed a few things out of place. Weird, I don't usually misplace my things. Everything has a spot. I must've been in a rush when I was packing.

 I made myself some soup and sat in the living room, trying to focus on what was playing on TV. I still felt off, like something wasn't right. I barely ended up touching my food, I just sat the bowl in the sink and went upstairs. 

My bedroom door was cracked open. That's was even weirder. I never leave it open when I'm not home. I felt my heart rate speed up as I clutched my phone in my pocket. I decided to call Celine. I didn't want to call the police if it was nothing. But I needed someone to get my mind off the disturbing feeling I had in my gut. I dialed her number, and she picked up after 3 rings. I could hear her sniffling.

"You okay?" I asked.


"Celine? Hello?"

She spoke up. "Yeah... yeah I'm here."

"What's going on?" I asked. 

"The t-test... it was pos-"

There was a loud bang, coming from my room.

"What the hell was that?" Celine said, worry in her voice.

But before I could answer, I felt a rough pair of hands grab me from behind. I tried to scream, but they had my mouth covered with cloth. My vision went black as I slipped from consciousness.

"Hello? Hey! What's happening!?" Celine yelled over the line.

He picked up the phone, chuckling before hanging up. He tossed it on the floor, crushing it with his feet.


*Tom's POV*

I missed her. I missed her bad. 

I laid in my bed in the hotel room, just staring up at the ceiling. The guys dragged me out to go party tonight, trying to cheer me up. We were all bummed, but I was definitely taking it the hardest. We had finally gotten our feelings out there, we were finally getting closer. Only to have to leave you when things were getting good. It hurt, I wasn't used to being so attached to someone other than Bill. And Bill was always by my side.

I left the club early, not enjoying all the girls throwing themselves onto me. Nobody compared to you. You were perfect. Absolutely fucking perfect. The tug in my heart finally won, I picked up my phone and dialed your number. Seconds passed by, and the phone kept ringing. 

The person you are trying to reach is not available at this time. Please try again later.

What? You always answered. Maybe the call didn't go through because were on opposite sides of the country. I tried again, and again. No answer. Just the same thing:

The person you are trying to reach is not available at this time. Please try again later.

I began to get slightly worried. I took deep breaths, trying to reason with myself. You're probably in the shower. Yeah, you're just busy. I tried to convince myself that was the problem, but I had a bad feeling. Something wasn't right. If you truly were missing my calls, it would've let me record a voicemail. My texts weren't showing as sent, either. That's when panic started to take over.

I called Bill.

"YEAH?" he yelled over the loud club music.

"Bill? Bill I need you to go somewhere more private." I begged.

"WHAT?" he yelled.

I cursed under my breath. "GO. SOMEWHERE. PRIVATE"

There were a few moments of nothing but cheers and loud music, before it started to drown out.

"You better have a good reason for taking me away from a good time.." he complained.

I could tell he was drunk. I told him it was about you, and that something was wrong.

"What? What do you mean?" he asked.

I explained how silent you've been for the past few hours, and how my calls & texts weren't sending. Bill decided to hang up and try calling you himself. He called back shortly after.

"It's not working for me, either. My texts won't send, too" he said, panic in his voice. 

I told him to ask Georg & Gustav before hanging up. Now I was convinced, something was wrong. And I was all the way across the world from you. 

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