Tom's Dream

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A/N: just prefacing for this chapter, it's technically a flashback. this is going to be the dream tom was having in the previous chapter, which was a memory of you and him when you guys were 13.  i thought this would be a cute idea + im suffering from slight writers block for the next chapter so i was hoping this would give me some more creative direction. enjoy the double upload!


It was a gloomy Saturday morning in Germany.

I was sitting at the dining room table attempting to eat my cereal in peace, but Bill was not letting that happen.

"Did you hear Tom? We're getting a new neighbor! I wonder what their name is. Or what they look like. Do you think-"

I stopped listening to him after the first few sentences. I didn't really care about this "new neighbor." It was probably just another old couple moving in before they died. I was more concerned over the fact that the sun wasn't out today, which meant no pool. No pool meant no girls. 

"Are you even listening to me?" Bill whined.

"Yeah, sure" I replied.

He threw the empty box of cereal at my head and I dodged it. I got up from my seat and started chasing him around the house. We were laughing and yelling at each other. In the midst of our chase, we heard a ring on the doorbell and stopped dead in our tracks. 

"You expecting anyone?" I asked Bill.

He raised his eyebrow at me and shook his head. "No, are you?"

I also said no. We made our way to the front door together, curiosity getting the better of us. We both stood there for a second.

"Open the door!" Bill whispered at me.

"Why do I always need to do everything? YOU open it!" I replied, also in a whisper.

He started pulling on my dreads, which was always how he got me to say yes because it hurt so bad.

"Ow! Stop! Okay fine I'll do it." I said, just annoyed at this point.

 Whoever was at the door was really going to hear it from me. I turned the latch and twisted the door knob, pulling it open.

"What do you wa-" I started to say. But I immediately stopped myself.

I stood there, mouth pressed into a fine line. You were standing there, looking at me. The first thing I noticed was that you had beautiful eyes, I really liked the color of them. 

"Hi!" you said, continuing to tell us your name.

I blinked a few times, making sure I wasn't dreaming. There was no way a girl just showed up on my doorstep conveniently on the day I wasn't going to be able to talk to girls. Let alone, a really pretty one. Bill was hiding behind me at this point, peeking over my shoulder. He was always really shy with strangers.

You proceeded to tell us where you're from, and how you moved here because of your dad's job. 

"You speak really good German for a foreigner.." was my reply.

You laughed at my words, and it was like music to my ears. I felt my face get warm and I looked away, trying to hide it. Luckily, Bill was finally getting over his shyness and began to do the talking for me. He stuck his hand out to shake yours.

"Hi! I'm Bill, and this is my twin brother, Tom. He's 10 minutes older than me but I'm still taller than him."

I elbowed him in the stomach, getting slightly embarrassed. Why would he say that in front of a cute girl? What an idiot.

He continued speaking, ignoring me. "You must be our new neighbor?"

You shook your head yes. I have to be dreaming, no way a pretty girl showed up on my doorstep, and now she's my neighbor?! I'm the luckiest man alive.

You and Bill continued to talk for a bit in the doorway. I stood there quietly, watching you carefully. I was a bit scared of you, something was fishy here. This was too good to be true... a pretty girl who also happened to be funny AND play the guitar. On top of that, you moved in next door. Bill invited you to come watch our band practice later on today, and you accepted with a wide grin on your face. 

Later on in the evening, the guys came over to have dinner at our house. Georg and I were flinging food at each other. My mom kept getting mad at us but it was too funny to stop. We were all so engrossed in our shenanigans that when the doorbell rang for the 2nd time today, I was confused for a moment.

"Expecting anyone?" my mom asked me and Bill.

"Yes actually, we are!" Bill said, jumping up from his seat at the table and taking his empty plate to the sink.

The rest of us got up and followed Bill. He let you in and I felt my heart beat a little faster. You looked even cuter than you did earlier. This was the first time I had ever been nervous for band practice, because I knew you'd be watching me. 

"Who's that?" Georg asked, eyeing you from top to bottom.

"Our new neighbor." I answered, trying to sound as cool as possible.

I went down to the basement while Bill introduced you to our parents. I checked my outfit in the mirror, making my pants sag just a bit lower. I pulled my dreads back with a headband, and sprayed some more cologne on. I heard everyone coming down the stairs, and I rushed to act like I wasn't just making sure I looked good.

Bill explained to you our band name, who played what instrument, etc. You sat down on the couch and quietly watched us. We were practicing for awhile, I made sure to show off extra for you. It had been around 2 hours and you were still watching us, just as enthusiastic as you were when you arrived.

"You don't have any friends, do you?" Georg bluntly asked you. "You've been here for hours on a Saturday night. Don't you have something else better to do?" 

"I do, my best friend moved here with me because her dad also works with my dad." you replied in a small voice.

"I bet she's not even real, your friend." Georg retorted.

I glared at him, mad that he was being rude. He was going to scare off the only girl I got to talk to today.

"Don't be a dick, Georg!" Bill turned to you. "You can stay as long as you'd like. Do you wanna sleepover with us?" 

He had the widest smile on his face, I don't think I've ever seen him this enthusiastic about  anyone.

"Thank you, but Georg is right. It's getting late anyway, I've out welcomed my stay. I appreciate you inviting me." you said, getting up from your seat.

I didn't want you to go.

You waved goodbye to everyone. Bill invited you to come back over tomorrow for dinner, and you accepted. That made me feel excited. 

You turned to me before walking up the stairs. "Hey, can you teach me how to do that cool thing with your guitar?" 

I panicked. You made me nervous, and now you ASKED me to hangout with you. I didn't know what to say, and even though I would've loved to teach you, my response was not ideal.

"Sorry, but I can't reveal my playing secrets." I deadpanned.

You laughed and went up the stairs. I'm an idiot. Why did I answer like that? I just fumbled teaching a super cute girl guitar. If that's not the perfect excuse to hangout, I don't know what is.

I went to bed that night regretting my words, but my pride wouldn't let me go back on it now. Girls aren't supposed to make me feel this way. The next day, you came over for dinner. Then you came over the day after that. 

You became a regular part of my week. You came for Bill and Gus, but I was always secretly happy when you'd show up. You were at my house every day until we moved to start touring. 

I guess it wasn't a dream. You really were the perfect girl.

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