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Today went by really quick. I went to the gym by myself since everyone was too hungover from last night. When I got back I barely had any time to get myself together. Today was pretty important, a lot of interviews and press shoots. Being surrounded by people screaming your name and flashing lights is magical yet overwhelming. On the bright side, I met a lot of really cool people today and overall everything went off without a hitch. We didn't get back until around 7 pm.

"Let's go clubbing!" Blake exclaimed.

And that's how I ended up here.

We were at the busiest club in Tokyo, it was packed. I was hoping for another relaxing night but I always feel bad for splitting on the girls. Besides, I didn't go out with them last night and we had a day off tomorrow. But I had alterior motives of course. I needed to get ALL the juicy details about last night out of Celine. We make our way to our table in the VIP lounge, right above the DJ and the dance floor.

"Tell. Me. Everything." I said loudly to Celine. She rolled her eyes and smiled, but there was no getting out of this. Me, Blake, and Zoe were sitting there burning holes into her skull in anticipation.

"It wasn't anything too special, we just ran into each other when he was coming back from the club last night. We struck up a conversation because he was the only one coming back not shit faced with a girl around his arm."

This might not sound exciting, but I'm eating this up. We were all so happy for her. I couldn't believe the 2 idiots finally got their feelings out there after all this time. Celine has always been so quiet even though she's by far the most popular out of the band considering she's the lead singer and all. I was glad she was able to come out of her shell.

She continued. "One thing led to another and it just happened I guess.." she chuckled with a hint of giddiness in her tone. I could tell she was excited.

"Okay that's sweet and all, but get to the details! Was it good? Did it hurt?? Was it big!?!" Zoe started firing all the nitty gritty questions. I rolled my eyes at her but I can't lie I was curious, too. Celine rarely had these experiences and I was DYING to know. We continued on our idle chatter about last night and I happened to look over the side of the railing down to the dance floor. And thats when I saw him. Tom had made his way through the entrance and straight to the dance floor. My heart skipped a beat, but I'm not really sure why. He's been making me feel so weird ever since we got here. I guess between the alcohol and just being excited to see old friends my body is being overly sensitive. I hope.

"So..." she started again. I knew what was coming before she even said it. She had that devious glare in her eye that she always got before she was about to say something outrageously out of pocket. "When are you and Tom gonna get together?"

"How about when you and Georg get married and have babies" I quipped back, trying not to show how surprised yet nervous her comment had made me.

"Be careful now, that may happen sooner than you think!" Blake laughed.

"You were totally giving Tom  fuck me eyes yesterday at the dinner table" Zoe chimed in.

"I was not!" I snapped back quickly. Was I? I didn't mean to if I did.

"When he waved hello to you, you were totally giving him the look" she continued, "Plus.. why are you getting sooo defensive about it?"

I rolled my eyes. "Spare me. I have no idea what you're talking about. There is nothing going on between me and Tom."

They all looked at me with doubtful faces and I scoffed. I got up to get a drink.

"You guys want anything from the bar?" I asked. They shook their heads in unison.

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