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The rest of dinner went well. I never realized how much I missed the boys, especially Bill and Gustav.

"CHUG CHUG CHUG!!" exclaimed Bill.

I laughed along as I watched Gustav and Zoe each chug whole bottles of sake. This can't be good for them, right? I was having so much fun seeing this unfold that I hadn't the slightest idea that Tom had been watching me the entire time. I looked up at him and he quickly averted my gaze and went back to laughing at Gustav, who was now running in circles around the dinner table. Well... he's fucked.

The rest of the night was filled with laughter, catching up, and one too many drinks. Watching Georg and Celine act like nervous teenagers was pretty entertaining too. I'm not the only person who's caught onto it either, because Tom and I kept stealing glances & smiles at each other every time the 2 would do something cringe. I can't lie, they're cute in their own way. Bill poured everyone more shots of sake and told us to make a toast.

"What exactly are we making a toast too?" replied Tom. He had a point, I think this was Bill's excuse to just have another shot.

"Whatever you guys want! Make it exciting." Bill said, slurring his words a whole lot.

Everyone shouted out ideas. Some were pretty funny and we got some decent laughs. "To Katy Perry's mic breaking at the awards this week" was Gustav's idea. Zoe and Blake picked a toast to good clubs in Tokyo (of course). Bill picked a toast to having amazing hair and Tom said "A toast to getting more women in my room than women in the crowd!"

"What's yours?" asked Blake, just as impatient as Bill to knock back the shot in front of her.

I sat there for a moment thinking. I wasn't really sure what to say, especially because I couldn't think of anything funny like the rest of them. For some reason, my mouth started talking before I could even realize it.

"To... new beginnings!" I said.

Everyone stared at me for a moment.

"I don't know what the hell that means but it sounds awesome... I'll drink to that!" Bill replied with a huge smile.

The rest of the group cheered and we all took our shots with a newfound vigor. Bill was right though, I don't even understand what I said or why. I'm just going to blame it on having too much alcohol in my system. The dinner came to an end and we all parted ways to our own vehicles. I was hoping to see them one last time before bed but I think the boys took a detour to one of the clubs near the hotel, and I'm also pretty sure Zoe and Blake went with them. As much as I would've loved to go, I was just too exhausted and piss drunk. I stumbled into the hotel room with Celine and kicked off my shoes. I beelined for my room, and even though my goal was to change and take off my makeup, I somehow ended up out cold on my bed instead.

A loud bang woke me up from my sleep. My head was killing me and the room was spinning, but I got up anyway to go see who the hell was making all this noise in the middle of the night. I shuffled over to my door slowly, trying not to puke right where I stood. I peeked through to find quite the sight. The first thing I saw was Blake passed out on the couch. Then, I saw Zoe also passed out... on the floor. But to make my night even more crazy, I noticed clothes scattered on the floor. I was confused considering Zoe & Blake were fully clothed and asleep. I quickly changed into some pjs and a robe to go investigate. I got closer only to realize it was what Georg had been wearing at dinner...and also what Celine had been wearing at dinner. I looked over to her door and saw that the lights were off, and then that's when my hungover brain started to piece everything together.

"Gross. But also good for them" I said to myself.

My head was still pounding and the nausea wasn't going away, so I decided to walk down to the lobby to get aspirin. It figures, the one time I don't pack it with me and I've got the worst hangover of my life. I acquired my slippers, grabbed my key, and was on my way. I made my way down the hall slowly but surely. The world was spinning and my head was killing me. I was so focused on not dying from this headache that I crashed right into someone.

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