Room 554 (NSFW)

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Me and Tom enjoyed each others' company out on the balcony for a little bit longer, waiting for the firework show to end. Afterwards we made our way back to the party. We danced together for a bit before running into our friends and grouping up with them. 

"Glad you guys worked it out!" Bill said, winking at me.

I laughed at his words as Tom snaked his arm around my waist, pulling me closer. If I didn't know any better I'd say he seemed jealous Bill was making me laugh.

Zoe and Blake were standing there, mouths agape. I guess they didn't see this coming. But to be honest I didn't either. We ended our night with a few drinks and some dancing. Zoe & Blake decided they wanted to spend one last night at the club before we left Tokyo, and Bill & Gus joined. The rest of us took a limo back to the hotel. It was very awkward. Me and Tom kept exchanging uncomfortable glances at each other because the sexual tension between Celine and Georg was suffocating. I wouldn't be surprised if they started humping each other right here and now.

We arrived to the hotel. Georg and Celine practically ran to the elevator. Tom and I laughed at them. We took our time walking in, just enjoying having the presence of one another. We had so much time to make up for. All the years of tension finally being expressed. When the elevator finally arrived to our floor we walked inside. We stood on opposite sides of each other. I smiled at him and crossed my arms.

"Hey" I said.

"Hey." he replied.

We both must've been feeling the tension, because after that we crashed into each other. We interlocked lips sloppily. My tongue searched for his as he rubbed all over me. I grabbed onto his toned chest to keep myself upright. This was intense and I needed something to keep me grounded. The only thing I could think about was how I wanted more. I needed more, I needed Tom. I bit down on his lower lip, and he groaned in response. Things kept getting heavier when we got to our floor. I walked backwards out of the elevator, letting him guide me to his room. I kissed down his neck as he used his keycard to unlock the door. We almost tripped over each other, we were in such a rush. He suddenly broke the kiss to grab me by the waist and hoist me over his shoulder. I giggled in surprise as he carried me to his room. 

He threw me down on the bed and wasted no time undressing. This time we were getting right to the point. Now we knew that this wasn't just a one time thing, and we had all the time in the world to do this again. We no longer needed to savor every moment. He ripped his shirt off and threw it somewhere onto his messy floor. I began to kick off my heels and unzip my dress. He climbed on top of me and began to pull it down my body, leaving me in nothing but a bra and panties. He dove down to kiss my stomach, tongue covering every inch of the surface. I panted in desperation, needing him now more than ever.

He took his time making his way down my stomach to the inside of my thighs. My hands were gripping the sheets in sexual frustration. He kissed my clit, still covered by my underwear. I let out a soft moan as he rubbed me a few times before ripping them off of me. I could feel his hot breath in between my legs, and it was driving me crazy. He looked up at me, as if he was waiting for me to tell him to proceed. 

"Tom, please" I begged.

He smirked and kissed me on my thigh before finally rubbing circles on my clit with his tongue. The sensation was something I had never felt until this moment. Yes, I've had guys eat me out before, but something in the way Tom used his tongue was different. He went fast and slow just at the right moments. He knew exactly what to do and when. The cold metal of his lip ring added an additional feel to it. I moaned out his name and other profanities as he picked up speed, hungry for more of me.

"Fuck... you're perfect." he said to me, before slipping 2 fingers inside.

Somehow, it felt even better now. The way he was rubbing his slim fingers against all the sensitive spots and keeping up pace with his tongue was driving me up a wall. He started getting faster, all you could hear was the squelching coming from the friction he was causing inside of me. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as sparks went off in my abdomen. A tear rolled down my cheek as I yelled his name over and over. I could feel him smiling against my cunt, obviously proud of what he was doing to me. He kept going slowly until I came down from my orgasm, before hovering back over me and giving me a kiss. I could taste myself on his lips.

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