Terumi Klaus

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A few days after the call, a transport came to pick me up. I already had my things ready as my family was saying goodbye to me, although my dad just had a look of disappointment on his face the whole time. After that day, we didn't talk at all and if we did, it would end up with us yelling at each other but I held back with what I said...he didn't but I still love him as he was one the reasons I needed to this this. I enter the vehicle and as I sit down in the back, I immediately noticed the amount of people in the back.

Y/N:Hello there, how is everyone?
Government Personnel: ...
Y/N: Not even a hello?
Government Personnel A: We are not here to make conversation, keep that in mind and be quiet while we head there. (He says this with so much seriousness)
Y/N: Ok then, jeez... no need to act like an ass about it.

As the vehicle begins to leave my home, I look back and wave goodbye to my family, hoping my father will at least wave goodbye...he didn't. That discouraged me a bit but right now, I couldn't afford to be distracted by it.

After an hour of driving, it's just been silent the whole time. One is driving the vehicle, one is just watching me from the front while the other is just typing away on their tablet? Their laptop? I don't know what it is but it looks advanced.

Y/N: Hey, I have a question?
Government Personnel A: You may ask
Y/N: Just what is this project? Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is just a game, so why the interest? What's the reason for it?
Government Personnel A: I am not allowed to say why as I do not have permission to. But what I can say should this project go well, many problems in our world will be resolved.
Y/N: Such as?
Government Personnel A: Wait and see.

I get annoyed by that but I just stop asking questions and just wait until we arrive. After a while, the scenery changes from the highway to just a government base you would see in a movie, like a transition from one place to another. Needless to say, I was amazed.

Y/N: Holy shit... this is amazing
Government Personnel: ...
Y/N: Yeah, man, it's so cool right? (I say it in a sarcastic way) ... damn you guys are no fun

We arrive at the main building and it was small, but something tells me it's not small on the outside inside. I get out of the car but when I do, I felt like someone was staring at me, as if I was being examined...and sought after like prey. In an instant, I turn around, only to be met with a guy with green hair, eyes a bit slanted and pale skin...something about him reminded me of a snake.

???: So, I take it your Y/N? Don't look much but who the hell cares?
Y/N: Yeah that's me. (I extend my hand out) What's your name?
???: (shakes my hand) My name...is Terumi Klaus. I'm the one who invited you here, kid.

As soon as we shake hands, it felt like my body was telling me to back away, to get far away from him. His eyes looked straight into mine, as if searching for something. After a minute, he now has a smirk, as if he found what he was looking for, let go of my hand and went to the building.

Terumi: Let's go. We're going to get started immediately, kid.
Y/N: You know...you remind me of a character from Blazblue. Yuuki Terumi.

As soon as I said that, he turned around and looked at me. If looks could kill, his would but he didn't glare at me...he had a smile I didn't know how to describe, but it terrified me.

Terumi: Thanks kid...but don't say that again.

He turns around and walks off into the building, with me falling behind as I struggle to keep up. Unknown to me, he was whispering under his breath.

Terumi: Finally...it's all about to start. This kid...is even more interesting then what was shown...too bad he's a dumbass.

As he chuckles quietly, I get the feeling there's more going on then I know. But right now, that didn't matter because I needed to do my part and go home. Easy right?... it's never that easy... not when Terumi is involved.

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