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As we go deeper in the building, I can say with certainty that it looks more advanced then the outside. To the point that modern technology doesn't even compete with it. We enter a room full of lockers.

Terumi: Put away your stuff in here.
Y/N: Why?
Terumi: Cause you won't need that shit where you going.
Y/N: Alright...

Reluctantly, I put my stuff in a locker and walk out with Terumi. We walk down the halls, passing multiple rooms that looked impressive and as we did, I notice him looking back at me with a grin that made me feel...sick.

Terumi: Xenoblade is a good game right?

I was surprised by this random question but I respond back.

Y/N: It is.
Terumi: The story, the characters...the makes you want all of it, doesn't it?
Y/N: That's one way of looking at mind me asking why you keep looking at me like that?

Terumi stops in front of me, turning around and then looks straight at me.

Terumi: I thought you would be well built, not fat and slow.
Y/N:(I get irritated) Sorry about that, didn't know I had to be fit for asshole doctors or whatever you are.
Terumi:(Starts laughing) Ya got balls kid...I like that. Exactly how I thought you'd be. Even if you don't look the part...not yet at least.

Before I could even ask, he just walks off with me following behind as fast as I can. We arrive in front of huge door that opens and reveals a lab inside with a huge screen in the front, showing an image that I know all too well from playing Xenoblade Chronicles.

Y/N: The Trinity Processor...
Terumi: Good, saves me the time to explain then.
Y/N: Is it actually the real thing?
Terumi: Never mind... yes and no, kid. But let's just say, it's a central piece of the project here.
Y/N: That reminds me, in the letter, you said "we"...where is everyone else?

As I say that, I look around the room again. Computer that look out of this world stacked against the walls, mainframes that looks like it came straight out of sci-fi movies. Millions of pieces of notes scattered around the room...but the only people in the room is me and Terumi.

Terumi: I know what I said, it's not many people after all. Me and a few associates is what's really needed after all.
Y/N: Where are they?
Terumi: They're in there

He points to the trinity processor. My eyes widen at that.

Y/N: How is that-
Terumi: No more questions. Here are some clothes, go change in the other room and take the elevator down.
Y/N: Wait hold on! I don't even know what I'm doing yet and your just telling me to change and head down?!

He gives me an annoyed look and starts to go to a nearby monitor and starts typing on it.

Terumi: Put simply...your going to Aionios. That's your mission.
Y/N: To Aionios? Mission? The hell are you talking about?
Terumi: The letter said your knowledge of the game would be helpful, right? Come on kid, I don't need you being slow right now. Don't be a hassle.

I let out an annoyed grunt as I get the clothes and head to the other room.

Terumi: One more thing.

I turn around and he gives me a kind of collar.

Y/N: The hell is this? I ain't into this type of play, man.
Terumi: Me either, dumbass. This is mandatory for you to wear around your neck. It's to make sure you follow the rules. Like a good little doggy. (He says mockingly)

Before I could say anything, I'm shoved away to the other room. I enter and start to change clothes. I'm now wearing baggy black pants with an Aegis Symbol on the front. A short sleeve gray shirt with cargo boots.

Y/N: This seriously can't be professional clothing right? It feels like they just went to Ross and just bought whatever the hell they wanted.

As I say that, I look at the collar and with a heavy sigh, I put it on...well I try to but it's apparently difficult. I head back into the room and ask Terumi for help.

Terumi: You seriously need help with that? Man, did we overestimate you or something?
Y/N: Just shut up and help me, you bastard.
Terumi:(He laughs) Ever the sweet talker, huh little puppy?
Y/N: Piss off.

He takes the collar and unlocks it with ease and without saying anything, he just places it on my neck. He shoves me off to the elevator.

Terumi: There we go, now get going. Something fun is about to start.
Y/N: I can tell (I say sarcastically). Anyway, remember what I was promised. I do this, I get rewarded.
Terumi: I wrote it, you dumb kid. I remember.
Y/N: I'm not a kid, I'm 21.

As I say that, I enter the elevator and press the only other button on there, but not before hearing...

Terumi: (He says with a smirk) Not for long, brat.

As I go down the elevator, I notice how empty the room I'm heading to is, with only the "trinity processor" look alike there. A blank room, that's all I can say about it. The elevator door opens and I step out, heading towards the processor.

Y/N: Now what?
Terumi: Your mission is this. Go into Aionios...and make sure you give me, I mean us...a good show. (He says with an evil smirk)
Y/N: Huh?

Before I can say anything else, the elevator behind me explodes, leaving me no way out.

Y/N: The hell?! Terumi, you bastard, what's going on?'
Terumi: I told you already brat; You go to Aionios and show us a good time. Easy right?
Y/N: Nothing about this is easy!
Terumi: And to make things better...or in your case, worse.

He pulls out a remote and presses it, the collar around my neck makes a sound and it locks onto my neck. It's not choking me or anything, it doesn't feel like it changed at all but that doesn't make me calm down at all.

Y/N: What did you do?! (I say frantically)
Terumi: You'll find out once your there. That knowledge of yours is going to come in handy but as bonus I'll tell you something else.
Y/N: ...What?
Terumi: Your not the only human here that's going to be there.
Y/N: Huh? What do you mean?
Terumi: No more questions, little pup...time for the fun to start.

He presses a button and the room around me starts to shake, the trinity processor look alike starts to glow. I look at Terumi with a glare.

Y/N: So all of this was to just get me here?! That's it?!
Terumi: Of course it was! Why else would I do it!
Y/N: My family needs this money Terumi!

The room shakes even more as I almost lose my footing. He looks at me and then smiles.

Terumi: That's right, your family...they know about this too, don't they?
Y/N: huh?
Terumi: Too bad...but don't worry. Your good friend Terumi (His smile turns into a sickening, evil grin) will make sure they're taken care of...I promise.
Y/N: Don't you dare touch them! I'll make you suffer if you do, Terumi!
Terumi: Good bye, Man of Fate. Let's hope you survive what happens next to make good on those threats...little pup.

The room shakes even more and stops. I feel like I'm falling, but the world around me echoes as I yell out.


Seconds later, I find myself in a war...a never ending war I know all to well...

Y/N: I'm in Aionios...

Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Beyond FateWhere stories live. Discover now