Our Talk

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Isurd is currently in the canteen drinking tea as it's currently late in the afternoon. With what transpired yesterday finally over, he decided it was time to take a break as he thinks back to yesterday after I returned.


I'm currently in the Commander's room sitting on the bed there as everyone crowded me. Everyone was constantly asking me questions like if I'm okay or do I need anything. With how I'm looking, it's obvious why they would ask that but I decided to try and ease their concerns.

Sora:" I'm fine, really."
Noah:" Your not fine, Sora. You're still badly hurt and can't walk straight."
Mio:" That's right, so stop trying to act tough and rest."
Sora:" And how can I rest when everyone's crowding me?"
Lanz:" Get used to it, mate, you've been gone for a whole week."
Sena:" We've missed you a lot so we're going to be asking you all these questions!"
Taion:" And besides, you haven't told us what you went through when you were there. You've avoided the subject but...we're still worried."
Eunie:" You can tell us, we want to help you, fatass. Queen's honor."
Sora:" Never doubted you guys but really, I'm fine-"
Isurd:" Perhaps it's better if you all don't crowd him like that, he's still quite injured after all."

Isurd comes in and stands in front of me. He looks at me with a smile and I smile back.

Taion:" Commander!"
Isurd:" I understand your concerns but remember, Sora had just come back after a week of whatever he went through. Allow him a moment to rest before bombarding with questions."
Lanz:"...Oh. Yeah, that's true."
Mio:" I didn't think of that."
Noah:" Sorry, Sora. We really didn't give you a chance to rest besides that short nap you took at camp, did we?"
Sora:" It's been a week since any of us even talked or seen each other. It's understandable."
Isurd:" And if you're uncomfortable or pushing yourself to ease their concerns, stop now. It's best you use your energy to rest and recover. Doctor's orders."
Sora:" Yes, sir."
Taion:" Then we should come back at what time to check up on him?"
Isurd:" When I give the okay, Taion."
Sena:" Right! Get well soon, Sora!"
Sora:" Right."

Everyone starts to leave me and heads towards the exit of the room but before they could leave the room, they stop once Isurd asks me a question.

Isurd:" Before we begin your treatment, would you mind giving me your shirt to dispose of? It's quite bloody and is beyond repair."
Sora:" In a second, still trying to get a few quick breaths in-"
Eunie:" Is that saying you don't want to take it off in front of us?"
Noah:" Sora...please, take off your shirt."
Sora:" Come on, guys. I'll see you guys once I-"
Mio:" Your not getting out of this, Sora. I know you want to ease our concerns but when you acting like this, it only increases it."
Lanz:" Just take it off Sora, and show us what you're hiding."
Taion:" Whatever you're hiding, please tell us. Do that and we'll leave you to rest."
Eunie:" Please, Sora...just show us."

Eunie looks at me with a worried look and for some reason, I can't refuse her. With a sigh of defeat, I slowly take off my blood-stained shirt from the bottom. As it's being taken off, everyone stares in shock and horror as they see the state my body is in. What my shirt hid was my badly bruised body with blood staining some parts of it. My arms having several cuts, some severe as my body shows several stab wounds all over. Upon closer inspection to my neck, it's obvious multiple injections were placed as injections wounds were seen there. They went around to see my back and saw the same thing except on my lower back, a much more severe wound is there and goes across my lower back. Everyone tries to continue looking but end up looking away as the wounds continue getting more and more severe.

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