Sora POV
Sora:" Oh, my back..."
I wake up, finding out I fell asleep on the bench last night with Valdi still sleeping on my shoulder. I shake him a bit to wake him up.
Sora:" Yo Val, time to wake up."
Valdi:" Oh, my back..."
Sora:" Yeah, welcome to the club."
Valdi:" What club?"
Sora:" Of back pain. I thought this bench was comfy."
Valdi:" So did I. Oh well, something else to fix later on!"
Sora:" Your gonna focus on Levnis's first, aren't you?"
Valdi:" Yep! Gotta fix up Mechafriend as soon as I can!"
Sora:" Do you have to be so loud in the morning?"
Valdi:" Yep!"
Sora:" Great..."We go our separate ways for a bit as I go look for everyone and I see them in the canteen. I sit down near Lanz as I try to get myself fully awake.
Sora:" Morning."
Lanz:" Hey man, good morning."
Sena:" Good morning, Sora!"
Sora:" So loud..."
Sena:" Sorry! Still hyped up after yesterday."
Mio:" It's a good way to make sure you stay awake, Sora."
Sora:" Yeah, yeah... So, what are you guys talking about?"
Taion:" We were talking about the state of Colony 30 and what we could do to help while focusing on journey towards Swordmarch."
Noah:" We also heard some rumors about Colony 9, and they weren't good."
Eunie:" It may be our fault our Colony might be in that situation."
Noah:" I want us to go check on them-"
Taion:" Keep in mind we do have our journey towards Swordmarch. But I do understand how you feel Noah."
Noah:" What do you think, Sora?"I go quiet, thinking on what to do. This is something anyone who played the game can do at anytime but this is real life, so every second counts.
Sora:" On one hand, I'm worried about the Colony, on the other, I want to make up those three days I spent asleep from that battle."
Sena:" I didn't think of that, actually."
Taion:" Very true. But that only added to our list of concerns."
Sora:" What do you guys think, then?"
Lanz:" I'd say we go further. We can always check in on Colony 9 whenever we can. And besides, their not lightweights, we came from their after all."
Eunie:" Their also suffering from low rations, Lanz. Think about that as well."
Lanz:" True... maybe we should check on them then."
Mio:" We're getting no where with this..."
Noah:" Yeah... anyone has a suggestion to choose?"
Sora:" Flip a coin?"
Lanz:" Really? Flip a coin?"
Taion:" I have a suggestion."
Mio:" Go for it."
Taion:" To go on what Lanz said, we can go further and stop at a certain, then we go and check on the Colony. That way, we make more progress on our journey and put some of our worries to rest."
Sora:" That's a good plan, Taion. Glad to see our tactician pull through."
Taion:" Obviously." He says smugly while pushing his glasses up.
Noah:" Alright, let's follow through with Taion's suggestion. Gather your things and be ready to leave soon."We gather up and head towards the Colony entrance, ready to move on but I'm stopped when I hear Valdi call out.
Valdi:" Sora!"
Sora:" Yeah?"
Valdi:" Visit real soon, okay! Be careful! And that goes for you all too!"
Lanz:" We will, man! Take care!"Everyone at the Colony bid us farewell as we leave. We head towards Elsie's Spout to which we then head up the hill to where we met Valdi and where that purple patch on the wall is. We start climbing up it, thanks to Valdi telling and showing us how.
Sena:" Yippee, rock climbing! This is gonna be a great workout!"
Lanz:" For sure! Let's keep a lookout for more patches like this, yeah?"
Sora:" Yep, this is harder then I thought. Damn you, video games, for making this look easy..."

Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Beyond Fate
FanfictionEverything is supposed to go how it's supposed to, it is foretold why is so much changing? The story is the same but has other elements added to it...Is it good or bad? Nobody knows but it all depends on him and what he knows...He is the key...