(Before the chapter starts, I'm gonna say the same thing I wrote on my message board. I accidentally deleted the in progress chapter along with a New Years and a Christmas chapter and trust me, I was upset. I'll try and upload some chapters as fast as I can in order to make up for it and if you guys want the New Year and Christmas chapter, comment it down.)
We all have secrets, deep within... Memories we can never erase... Difficult experiences... It's just a distant dream of mine right now... But if we can just reach out to each other, even a little, we can tease out those delicate shapes. Then, with time, our bonds will grow stronger. Until one day... Sora... I wonder what he'd do to deepen the bonds he has with everyone... But now, we're all glad our fool is back with us once again."
Noah:" So...does anyone know when this happened?"
Mio:" I can't say. Before I went to sleep, they were both separated."
Sora:" ...Hmm..."I groan, wanting to sleep a bit longer as I push further into this soft feeling against my face. I have never felt this good sleeping on the mat.
Lanz:" I mean, I saw him lay her down on her mat."
Taion:" Same with me, we said goodnight and all went to sleep on our mats. If anything, she would've had to move during the night."
Sora:" Hm..."I let out another groan, feeling annoyed by all the noise around me. I push against the soft feeling once again, feeling more comfort and relaxation as I wrap my arms around it, feel myself going back to sleep.
Riku:" Oh, Heropon wrap arms around her."
Manana:" Manana think they look cute like this."
Sena:" You're right, they do! It's honestly hard to look away from this!"
Sora:" Too loud..."I pull myself further into the soft feeling, hearing something of a small moan softly whispered in my ear but I think nothing of it. Mio kneels down and begins lightly shaking me.
Mio:" Sora, time to wake up."
Sora:" No..."
Noah:" Come on, Sora. We need to get moving as soon as we can."
Sora:" Five more minutes..."
Sena:" I really missed him saying that."
Mio:" Me too, surprisingly."
Lanz:" Come on, man, time to go!"
Sora:" But it's so soft...so comfy... I've never slept this good in my life..."
Taion:" I imagine you won't be saying that the moment you realize what that soft feeling is."
Sora:" You're just jealous you don't have such soft pillows to sleep with... Pillows?"Realizing none of us have ever slept with pillows on our mats, I slowly wake up to see my face being smushed between two well-developed breasts, which belongs to a sleeping Eunie. After a few seconds of silence, I break out in a massive blush as I realize we're basically spooning each other on my mat as she slowly begins to wake up.
Eunie:" Hm...too loud."
Sora:" I...why..."
Sena:" Oh, look at his face! He's blushing like crazy!"
Manana:" Sor-Sor looks so cute being all blush-blush!"
Eunie:" What is it...? Come on, I'm trying to sleep..."
Sora:" Why...why are you sleeping on my mat...?"
Eunie:" I was cold..."
Taion:" You had a blanket with you, right? You could've just gotten another one but why sleep with Sora?"
Eunie:" He was so warm... I haven't slept this good in my whole life..."
Lanz:" Really?"
Eunie:" You have no idea..."
Noah:" Either way, time to get up, Eunie."
Eunie:" Five more minutes... Come here, love."
Sora:" Huh?...Hmph?!"Eunie wraps her arms around me and pushed me back in between her breasts. I completely shut down as my face gets even redder and we spend exactly five minutes sleeping...at least she did. Later, we get up and pack things away as we decide on where to go next.
Lanz:" Ready to go!"
Noah:" Ok, then let's go."
Riku:" How will we go from here?"
Eunie:" I got completely turned around in all those sparking tunnels, those joyrides down the rapids and going around in circles searching for Sora. I've got to say, I have absolutely no sparking clue where we are."
Mio:" Where do we go now, Sora?"
Noah:" Sora?"
Sora:" Give me a second...still trying to calm down."

Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Beyond Fate
FanfictionEverything is supposed to go how it's supposed to, it is foretold so...so why is so much changing? The story is the same but has other elements added to it...Is it good or bad? Nobody knows but it all depends on him and what he knows...He is the key...