Nopon's Unite!

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It's a new day as we're now back in Rae-Bel Tableland, now fully refreshed from the recent days. We decided it's time to resume our journey to Swordmarch after everything we've done. Currently, we're near an Ether channel, trying to refill a cylinder as Riku checks the readings.

Riku:" Hm..."
Noah:" Something wrong, Riku?"
Riku:" Ether readings low..."
Taion:" That can't be, the Ether readings were just fine when I checked it."
Eunie:" Many things can change it, like the environment or maybe a monster or..."
Riku:" Oh, readings back to normal... but why?"
Sora:" What are you guys doing?"
Lanz:" Checking Ether levels but it's weird right now."
Sora:" Hm..."

I go in front of the Ether channel.

Sora:" Looks the same to me, you sure the levels are low?"
Riku:" Ah, Ether reading low again."
Sora:" What, really? Let me see."
Riku:" Ah, Ether reading back to normal."
Sena:" That's... strange, isn't it?"
Taion:" More then strange, it's unusual."
Eunie:" The readings aren't supposed to be changing like this. It's too irregular."
Mio:" Actually..."
Sena:" Mimi?"
Mio:" Lately, I've been feeling a bit... weaker? Like I haven't been getting enough Ether."
Noah:" You too?"
Sora:" This is new... A problem like this never happened in the game."
Riku:" Sora, go back to Ether channel."
Sora:" Why?"
Riku:" Please go for Riku."
Sora:" Ok."

I head back to the Ether channel, standing in front of it again.

Riku:" Readings low again... Sora, come back."
Sora:" Alright."

I head back to the others.

Riku:" Readings... back to normal."
Sora:" And.... What does that mean?"
Taion:" Sora... is the reason for the Ether levels lowering?"
Sena:" Seriously?"
Lanz:" No way."
Sora:" This sounds like a big deal."
Eunie:" That's cause it is. Sora, your literally messing with the Ether in our surroundings so... stop."
Sora:" Ok then, featherhead, how do I stop?"
Lanz:" You don't know how to stop?!"
Sora:" I didn't even know I was doing this!"
Noah:" Another new thing about Sora..."
Taion:" The ability to affect Ether in his surroundings without the need of a weapon..."
Mio:" But not by will. He's not doing it on purpose."
Taion:" This can be a double edged sword for both our enemies and us."
Sora:" So what do I do?"
Eunie:" Not much really. If you don't know how your doing it, there's no way to even try to counteract it."
Noah:" Don't worry about it, we'll figure it out."
Sora:" If you say so."

We continue walking until we're near the place we stopped at last time, Seilas Terrace Camp. We stop there to just discuss our way forward and decided to head towards the tunnels, thanks to Taion's suggestion. Though risky, it's our best way to avoid Colony Lambda so with that in mind, we leave the camp and start heading up the hill. Me, Lanz and Taion are walking together as everyone else is either walking by themselves or with another person.

Taion:" I envy you."
Lanz:" Huh?"
Taion:" That unfounded confidence of yours. I almost wish I could take some."
Lanz:" I'd rather do something than sit farting about for hours, and do nothing anyway. I like my way better."
Taion:" That sounded rather pointed."
Lanz:" Oh, did it?"
Sora:" It could be me he's talking about, Tai."
Lanz:" Yeah, no."
Taion:" Unlikely."
Sora:" Wow..."
Taion:" I'm also envious of you, Sora."
Sora:" Me? Why?"
Taion:" For many reasons. You're strong, you always manage to turn things around... You never give up."
Lanz:" You've saved our arses a bunch, mate... Anyway, I'm not confident. I just have to keep moving, that's all."
Taion:" I don't get you."
Lanz:" I mean yourseld, why do you always take a back seat?"
Taion:" Huh?"
Lanz:" You scared?"

Taion goes quiet, whether it be him not wanting to go to answer or contemplating it, it's not known. Me and Lanz just stare but Lanz breaks the silence.

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