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Keves Castle

A day has passed since then and Squire S is currently outside on the porch of the castle, watching over the land. Nothing is said as he just watches before suddenly speaking, breaking the silence.

Squire S:" You two were supposed to be here yesterday. Why didn't you get here on time much less notify me?"

The words were directed towards Squire's G and Q, who had just arrived and were now standing behind Squire S. Despite wearing a mask, it was obvious to everyone that Squire Q was annoyed at the moment.

Squire Q:" Because Mr. Leader, the mad scientist over here wanted to go over the data he got from Sora."
Squire G:" Within reason, of course. The data is invaluable as it helps me understand Sora more in regard to his strength."
Squire S:" Well you two could've at least told me that. I wasted my whole damn day yesterday waiting for you two assholes."
Squire Q:" Think about how I feel, man. I wasted enough of my time with this guy."
Squire G:" Oh, but I enjoyed our time together, Q. Is the reason you don't enjoy it because of-"
Squire Q:" Yes, it's you."
Squire S:" Obviously."

Squire G just stares at the two blankly as they both immediately answer him. Squire G then smiles at the two before leaning against the rail with his hands in his pockets.

Squire G:" But why? I consider myself an excellent person of conversation."
Squire Q:" Oh, just kill me..."
Squire S:" Ok, before we get sidetracked again, what was it you two needed to talk to me about?"
Squire G:" Well, I have a question about Sora that I needed to ask you."
Squire S:" Pretty ballsy of you to ask me about that. And besides, aren't you fascinated by him to the point it's all you think about?"
Squire Q:" That's true but apparently, you are a more knowledgeable person about Sora and his abilities. That's another thing we came to question you on."
Squire S:"...You two do know how I get when asked about him, right?"
Squire Q:" We don't care and I need answers, especially after what happened in the lab."
Squire S:" Fine. Ask away."
Squire G:" Gladly."

Squire G gets off the rail and stands in front of Squire S with a smile on his face. He leans in close, making the space between them almost nonexistent before speaking.

Squire G:" How is Sora able to Interlink with three pairs?"
Squire S:" Excuse me?"
Squire G:" Sora is able to Interlink with all three pairs but only when his eyes are active. BUT...there is a condition that must be met for him to Interlink with them."
Squire S:" All I can say about that is it depends on the person."
Squire Q:" Person? As in, just one person, not the whole pair themselves?"
Squire S:" I mean it depends on who leads it with him. Each pair is able to assume a different Ouroboros form depending on who is leading it."
Squire G:" So I was right...Sora has only done it with Noah, Lanz and Taion..."
Squire Q:" So he should be able to do it with Mio, Sena and Eunie as the leads too...but what's the criteria?"
Squire S:" Figure it out yourselves. Consider it payback for wasting my damn day yesterday."
Squire G:" Aw..."
Squire Q:" Great. My turn."

Squire Q started to get quite close to Squire S, to the point he gets in his face. Both are about the same height, mask-to-mask as the mood suddenly gets tense and Q starts to speak.

Squire Q:" What's your connection to Sora?"
Squire S:" Ask another-"
Squire Q:" No, this is what's needed to ask. What's your beef with him? You've got serious anger and hate for the guy and you haven't even met him."
Squire G:" He has a point. I mean, the mask covers half your face but the moment he's brought up, it changes to either anger or hate."
Squire S:" I don't have to explain my reason, it's none of your damn-"
Squire Q:" IT IS!"

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