After apparently being summoned from out of my problem to a even bigger one, I just stare down Moebius as it just stares at me with a curious look.
Moebius:" What are you anyway? You don't look any faction I've seen." It says as it looks me up and down.
"If anything, you look like one of the lost humans, but something tells me that's not right either."I stay quiet and I start to look around, trying grasp the situation as I to assess the situation. I notice the old man whose injured and run to him.
Sora:" Old man, you okay?! Your bleeding in the chest right now!" I say worriedly, noticing the amount of blood he's losing.
Old Man:" As much as I appreciate the concern kid, deal with that first and besides" he looks over to the other monster slowly coming behind Moebius. "Your gonna want to be ready."
Sora:" Why?" I asked confused as I wonder what he's talking about.The other monster lands another hit on Moebius, sending it flying towards more trees. It gets up, seemingly not affected from that attack.
Moebius:" Well, you sure catch on quick." It says while laughing. "So you got yourselves an Interlink going, eh? Guess I've gotta give the old fool credit where it's due." It says with a bit of arrogance as it stares down the other monster.
Other Monster:" Interlink?" It asks confused at Moebius walks towards it slowly.
Moebius:" That form you just merged into? It's called "Ouroboros". Sear that into yer skulls."I'm standing a bit farther back, watching as the Ouroboros of Noah and Mio talk to Moebius. I know what happens after that but right now, I'm nervous for one reason. The difference between the game and this is that I'm here.
Sora:" Old man... what's happening here? How did I get summoned here?" I ask the injured old man on the ground.
Old Man:" My guess is when I slammed down on the Ouroboros stones, you were called here with it. Your special kid, more so then those guys right now." He says with a bit of a grunt of pain at the end.
Sora:" What do you-" I get cut off as the battle commences between Ouroboros and the two groups against Moebius.Ouroboros charges in, summoning it's sword and clashing against Moebius, who stood its ground and knocked them back. On the side, a girl with a hammer charges in, swinging it on its side but Moebius dodges with ease and launches another attack but it's blocked by the tall man with huge sword-shield type weapon.
Tall Man:" Get your head in the game!" He yells at the girl.
Girl with the hammer:" He got lucky, that's all!" She yells back before the both of them decide to jump back to look at Moebius.The guy with glasses supports the two of them while attacking Moebius with his paper like weapons. He switches from offense and defense well while supporting everyone.
Guy with glasses:" If you two are done, we still have an enemy to defeat!" He yells at the two, angry that they decided to argue now.
Girl with wings on her head:" Listen four eyes, just focus on that monster for now!" She tells him as she fires from her gun rod at Moebius but it's not affecting it much.I look from the group and then towards Ouroboros, noticing they stopped helping them as it appears to be struggling against Moebius at the moment. I get angry and walk towards them.
Old Man:" Hey kid, where are you going?!" He asked as he's shocked to see me heading towards them.
Sora:" These guys are pissing me off. If they can't focus on the enemy, they're good as dead. They need to survive." I say without stopping my advance towards them.Ouroboros notices me heading towards them as they knock Moebius away to look at me.
Ouroboros:" What are you doing?! You need to get away from here!" They yell at me, surprised that I'm here.
Sora:" Then tell those 4 to focus on the fight! If you all don't work together, everything that led up to this moment will be for nothing!" I turn to the four, all of them looking at me now. " Listen, I know about this war that's going on but put it aside for now! The thing, Moebius, doesn't care if your Kevesi or Agnus, it'll kill you regardless of the fact!" I tell them, wanting them to understand the situation.
Guy with glasses:" Who are you anyway! How could you possibly know that! Don't give us orders if you don't have any business with us!" He yells at me, annoyed at the fact I'm the one getting in the way of the battle.
Sora:" I'm here because of something that happened before. I don't know how much but it's related to this, man!" I say with urgency as I try to convince him I'm on his side.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Beyond Fate
FanfictionEverything is supposed to go how it's supposed to, it is foretold why is so much changing? The story is the same but has other elements added to it...Is it good or bad? Nobody knows but it all depends on him and what he knows...He is the key...