Journey to Ribbi Flats

479 12 22

3rd POV

Lanz and Eunie leave the showers as Lanz is rubbing his arm in pain.

Lanz:" I told you already, I didn't say that. Ow..."
Eunie:" Yeah, sure."
Lanz:" When I find Sora, he's gonna...wait, where'd everyone go?"

They both look around Colony 4, trying to find the group. Once they find where they're at, they walk over to them to see them looking at something.

Eunie:" What are you guys looking at?"
Noah:" Sora's talking to Ethel and Bolearis."
Lanz:" Talking about what?"
Taion:" His secret."
Lanz/Eunie:" Huh?!"

Lanz and Eunie look over to where the rest of the group is staring at, seeing Sora, Ethel and Bolearis talking in a corner.

Eunie:" Is that really a good idea?"
Mio:" He says he needed to tell them."
Lanz:" But like Eunie said, is it really a good idea? We didn't believe at first but..."
Sena:" We know that, but if Sora thinks its a good idea, then he should do it."
Riku:" Sora is smart guypon, Riku believe in him."
Lanz:" *He sighs* We know, Riku. For the last few times, we know."
Noah:" Anyway, let's leave it to Sora. He's got this under control."
Lanz:" Yeah, let's go to the canteen. I'm starving."
Eunie:" Yeah, I could use a bite after kicking your arse for all that time."
Sena:" Why'd you do that?"
Lanz:" It's Sora's fault, that's why!"
Manana:" Enough talk! Manana want tasty food again!"

They all go to the canteen and grab the food that's served there. They find a table and sit down, conversing and eating as they go. Mio and Sena look around the area, as if trying to look out for someone.

Noah:" Everything ok, you two?"
Sena:" Oh! Yeah we're fine, right Mimi?"
Mio:" Y-yeah, we're fine!"
Lanz:" You sure? You two are a bit two quiet right now. Especially you, Sena."
Sena:" What do you mean?! I'm never quiet! I'm just trying to eat!"
Lanz:" Slow down there, Sena. You get Sora's jacket dirty, he's gonna get pissed at ya."
Taion:" Speaking of Sora, he's taking quite a bit in talking with Ethel and Bolearis."

As Taion says that, Sora comes in, holding a bag of items as he goes to a grill.

Sora:" Hey, can I use a grill for myself?"
Cook:" Go ahead but make sure you clean up afterwards."

Sora takes out some items and lights up a grill. Everyone just stares at him, wondering what he's doing.

Sena:" Sora can cook?"
Noah:" Apparently so."
Taion:" It seems we're still learning new things about him."
Eunie:" Neat. Anyway, it seems like he's doing good. That conversation must've went well."
Noah:" Hopefully. It's Ethel we're talking about so I wasn't too worried."
Lanz:" Man I'm still hungry. Hey Manana, do we still have some food left?"
Manana:" Nope."
Lanz:" Well, can you make something then? Real quick?"
Sena:" Yeah, can you? I'm still hungry as well."
Manana:" Nope. Manana not make anything ."

Sora, on the other hand, is using unusual ingredients in making his meal. He's using some meat from monsters the group has killed, some vegetables(begrudgingly), and some bread and some juice for him to drink. He finishes as he sits down at another table with his meal, not knowing the others saved him a seat, and starts to eat.

Sora:" Not bad."
Eunie:" Seriously? He didn't even notice us."
Sena:" He must've been really hungry then."
Mio:" He has slept for three days, he didn't have a chance to eat during that time."
Manana:" Lanz! For last time, Manana not make food!"
Lanz:" Come on! I'm still hungry!"
Noah:" Lanz, if she doesn't want to cook, then just accept it."
Lanz:" Fine... But I'm still hungry."

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