Squire G's Lab
Squire G room has now been expanded as there is more lag equipment inside. The vial with Sora's blood is inside a machine which is constantly examining it. One monitor shows a microscope-like view of the blood while the other shows the current situation with Sora and the others.
Squire G:" He actually saved him? Why? That brings no merit of any kind... Or perhaps it does but I'm not seeing it."
Squire G continues to monitor Sora's blood as he has out a notebook and puts on gloves you'd seen during experiments. He brings out other vials that are filled with mysterious chemicals or substances and gets ready to use them.
Squire G:" A shame Squire Q isn't here. He's gonna miss one hell of a show... and a unique experiment, I'd say."
Back with Sora
My hearts beating out of my chest, I can feel a kind of rush for what's about to happen. The Amalgamation towers all of us in height, with its molded swords aimed at us. This isn't fear...
Sora:" Am I getting excited?"
Lanz:" For this? I'd be getting excited but this...this is something else, mate."
Mio:" Honestly, all I'm feeling is fear...whatever this is shouldn't be here."
Teach:" This creature is positioned to attack, but it isn't charging at us. Could it be waiting for us to attack?"I take a step forward as the Amalgamation takes a step forward. I take a step backward and it does so as well.
Taion:" No... It's waiting for Sora?"
Sora:" Looks like I'll be starting it. I want you all to know, this right here...is entirely new. This never happened in the game."
Noah:" Understood. You'll be just as blind as us then."
Eunie:" Spark...having an advantage would've been a help."
Sena:" Sora...can we win this?"
Sora:" Course we can. It'll be close but we can win... Before that, where's Riku and Manana?"
Riku:" Here, Sora!"I see Riku and Manana hiding behind rocks with a good amount of distance from us. Good, they won't get caught up in this.
Manana:" Go, Sor-Sor!"
Sora:" Heh... My first real fight is against this thing... Can't say I'm actually scared."
Mio:" Mind sharing some of that bravery?"
Sora:" Sure, if I'm allowed to pet your ears again."
Mio:" ...What have I got to lose? Sure."
Sora:" Alright, more motivation... Ok, joking aside... I'm ready."
Noah:" We'll move on you, Sora."I take a step forward and so does the creature. I take another step, another step, and another step... Which then breaks into a full-on sprint towards each other. Noah and the others are behind me as I leap forward and clash blades with the Amalgamation, with Noah coming from the side and bashes his shield against the Amalgamation. It tumbles and Sena uses this chance to hit it with her hammer which launches the creature.
Sora:" Eunie! Taion!"
Eunie:" On it!"
Taion:" Leave it to me!"Eunies shoots at the Amalgamation while Taion attacks it with his Mondo. The Amalgamation curls into a ball, using its Moebius like shards as a shield to defend against the attack and comes crashing back down on the ground. Immediately, it comes out of the ball and slices down at Lanz, who's trying stand against it with his Blade.
Lanz:" This thing...is pretty strong!"
Noah:" Lanz!"Noah goes under and uses the shield to help Lanz defend against it but their struggling against the Amalgamation's strength. Sena and Mio come from the sides and attack at the same time while Teach uses his staff in its three-pronged form and attacks from a distance while also providing healing. Eunie goes to Lanz and Noah and applies an attack both to them both, giving them a bit more power against it. The Amalgamation roars and pushes its weight into its swords, causing the ground beneath Lanz and Noah to break.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Beyond Fate
FanfictionEverything is supposed to go how it's supposed to, it is foretold so...so why is so much changing? The story is the same but has other elements added to it...Is it good or bad? Nobody knows but it all depends on him and what he knows...He is the key...