How Can I Help?

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Eunie:" He's still sleeping? Seriously?" She says while looking down at as I sleep.
Mio:" Well, we did keep him up late last night with all those questions."
Noah:" True, but we do need to get moving soon. We're still not out of the Colony's search zone."

The three of them stand around Sora, whose still asleep. He sleeps quietly but is rather hard to wake up.

Manana:" Should Manana wake him up with special food?"
Mio:" Last time you tried that back at out Colony, Manana, it didn't go well." She says, remembering the last time Manana did that.
Noah:" Really? What happened?"
Mio:" You don't want to know..." She says with a face full of regret.

They instantly knew it was a subject that scarred Mio so they decided not to ask. Manana on the other hand, didn't understand but decided not to say anything else as she went back to where she was before.

Eunie:" Should I punch him to wake him? It works on Lanz."
Noah:" Eunie..." He says, not wanting Sora to get hurt.
Eunie:" Wut? Tell me I'm wrong, Noah."
Noah:" I never said you were, I just don't want you to punch him."
Mio:" Come on, Sora, time to wake up." She says while shaking him. He moves around before turning over to his side.
Sora:" Mn... I don't wanna..."

They all sigh as Sora somehow got more lazier at this time. Eunie looks to Noah with her fist up and aimed at Sora.

Noah:" No."
Eunie:" Come on, just one? Please?" She pleads, apparently wanting to "wake" Sora up.
Noah:" No."
Eunie:" Alright then Noah. Tell me how do we wake him then, hm?"
Lanz:" Hnnnnnaaaagh!" Lanz yells out loud, causing everyone, even causing Sora to wake up, to jump a bit.
Sora:" What's happening?! Are we being attacked?! Is it the Bunnits?!" He says frantically, his apparent fear of Bunnits still there.
Noah:" That's how." He says as he looks at Sora. " Good morning Sora, time to get up."
Sora:" Five more minutes?" He says with a pleading voice.
Eunie:" Sora, look, a Bunnit is behind you!" She says to him.
Sora:" Oh hell no!" He says as he sprints away, trying to get away from the supposed Bunnit.
Mio:" Really?" She says to Eunie who is laughing her ass off.

Sora runs until he notices Lanz and Sena doing some sort of excerise? He knows what they are doing since it's the same from the game, but that doesn't make it easier to watch. He sees Taion walking to them as he joins him.

Sora:" Morning Taion." He says as he walks with him.
Taion:" Good morning, Sora. Woke up good, did you?" He says with a teasing tone.
Sora:" I woke up because of those two." He says as he points to Lanz and Sena. " And also Eunie. I regret telling you guys, especially her and Lanz, about my encounter with a Bunnit."
Taion:" That may be true but it was a good story, oh mighty Squire of Ouroboros." He says with a mocking but playful tone.
Sora:" Oh ha-ha, good one." He says sarcastically. " Anyway, why are those two doing this anyway?" He says despite knowing why already.
Taion:" We're about to find out."

We arrive near Lanz and Sena but they're so into what their doing that they don't even notice we're there. They continue yelling and doing poses until Taion says something.

Taion:" What are you guys doing?"
Sora:" And so early in the morning..." He says, with no energy as they notice us.
Sena:" Oh hey guys! Morning!"
Lanz:" Oh hey! Did we wake you two?"
Sora:" You two woke me up. Eunie made it impossible for me to sleep again, and Noah already put away his mat..." He says, feeling defeated.
Lanz:" Eunie said something about a Bunnit, did she?"
Sora:" ...No." He lied.
Taion:" Yes, she did." The bastard betrayed him. He give Taion an annoyed look as he just smiles. " Am I wrong?"
Sora:" Anyway, what are you guys doing?" He says, trying to change the subject."
Lanz:" We're trying to do the same thing Noah and Mio did during that fight with Moebius. We reckon if they can do it, we can do it too."
Taion:" You reckon? You talking about that Ouroboros thing."
Sena:" Yup! How badass was that!! She says, excited. " If we're able to do that, our chances of survival will go up a ton."
Taion:" And you think it's that easy?"
Sena:" Well, I mean..." She says, losing her energy from before.
Taion:" Sorry to burst your bubble here, but you two ever thought... that maybe that power is only meant for them?" He says, making his theory known.
Sena:" Yeah, but that Moebius guy said "us" so... I just thought..."
Taion:" You thought maybe you could transform as well?" He says to Sena, who now has a sad look.
Sora:" Come on, Taion. It's a thought." Sora says as he puts a hand on Sean's shoulder. " They're trying to see if they can and if they find out they can't, it's worth it either way." Sena looks at me and gives me a smile.
Sena:" Thanks Sora." She says to me as Sora smiles and takes his hand off her shoulder.
Lanz:" He's right. We should at least try, better then just watching anyway." He says with a bit of attitude to Taion." Thanks though Sora." He says as Sora nods.
Taion:" It's all hypothetical, I assure you. And besides, what makes you think it would be you two, anyway? Say it is possible, it could be me and Lanz, or me and Sora, or you or Lanz with Sora?"
Sora:" That's... a good point. But I don't know if I was affected by that energy wave let me you guys." They all look at me. " I was summoned there from farther away, so maybe all it did was just that."
Taion:" That's true but remember, it's all hypothetical, Sora."
Lanz:" Yeah man, so you could do it with us. I wouldn't be opposed to it."
Sena:" Neither would I.
Taion:" I wouldn't mind either, Sora."
Sora:" Thanks guys."
Sena:" No problem, and to you Taion, the reason why I think it's Lanz is because it's a feeling."
Lanz:" Yeah, just a bunch. Right?" He says, trying to cheer her up. "Something wrong?" He says to Taion with a stare.
Taion:" Not at all. Then... I guess... that leaves me with her." He says as he looks at Eunie, who's going through my jacket.
Sora:" Why is she going through my jacket?"
Taion:" *sigh* I envy you. I really do." He says while shaking his head.
Lanz:" What are you moaning about now?"
Taion:" Let's drop it. I don't want to bicker so early in the morning."
Sena:" If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to get us all worked up."
Taion:" Think whatever you want."
Sora:" Look Taion, sure Eunie can be a bit rough around the edges but who isn't? She can be... well sometimes she's... give me a second."

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