Ready To Move

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I look around the crash site, where multiple containers are scattered around from the crash. Everyone else is doing the same, looking for clothes and anything else that can be useful.

Sora: "Jeez, how many containers are there? I didn't think it would be this much."
Eunie: "Oh yeah? Look behind you."

I was surprised by the amount that are scattered around

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I was surprised by the amount that are scattered around. I knew it was like this from the game but not this extent.

Sora: "Me and my big mouth. Whatever, I look over there then." I let out a heavy sigh.
Eunie: "Alright then, have fun fatty." She said with a teasing smile.
Sora: "You too, feather head." I tease back as I walk towards the other containers.

I go on to check the other containers, being a bit further from everyone else. My search for new clothes wasn't my main goal, it was to see if I could find information on what Vandham and Moebius called me.

Mio: "Did you find anything we can use?"

I didn't notice Mio coming over. I look at her and shake my head.

Sora: "Nope. I'm looking for something that can give me some answers."
Mio: "Such as what?"
Sora: "What is the Man of Fate and what is a Squire."
Mio: "I don't know about the Man of Fate thing, but a Squire is basically a Consuls aide."
Sora: "What? Consuls aide?" I say confused.
Mio: "Do you know what a Consul is?"
Sora: "I do."

A Consul in this world is basically the ones who control it. They exert authority over Aionios and on both Keves and Agnus. That much is still the same from the game, but the Consuls having aides called Squires...that's something new.

Sora: "Wait... Vandham called me the Squire of Ouroboros..."
Mio: "He did. Is something wrong."
Sora: "So am I basically your guys aide now?"
Mio: "I guess so. So if that's established now, mind opening up this container for me, my Squire?" She says with a chuckle as she points to a container.
Sora: "Ah yes, of course. I would love to do things you could do yourself, my Ouroboros." I say jokingly as I open it for her.

We share a laugh which caught the attention of Taion, Sena and Manana who were each looking through a container.

Sena:" She hasn't smiled like that since..." She says with a sad tone.
Taion:" I know. It's good to see her smiling now though, especially with how things are now."
Manana:" Sora must be special person to make Mio smile." She says as continues to rummage through a container.

Eunie starts to wonder around the area, looking for other containers to search until she notices Vandhams site of death. She kneels down to examine his clothes.

Eunie:" Are these his dog tags?" Noah, Lanz and Riku walk into the frame and notice the tags.
Noah:" Guernica Vandham... I guess that's his name." He says as he kneels down and examines the dog tags.
Eunie:" That's great..." She says which catches Noah off guard. " I kinda hated the idea of not even knowing who he was."
Noah:" Right... yeah."
Lanz:" Sora did, though. Remember?" He points out which catches Noah, Eunie and Riku's attention.

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