Squire G's Lab
Squire G is seen watching on a monitor with Sora's recent battle. He's taking notes but is looking intently at the screen.
Squire G:" He didn't use his powers but is that proficient with a sword? To the point he somehow cut his surroundings through Moebius?"
He begins to watch Sora's battle, mostly the parts he used Noah's sword. He takes even more notes during this.
Squire G:" Is it possible it's because it's Noah's sword? But that still shouldn't be able to explain the way he fought, as if he had experience in combat like this... how fascinating..."
Squire Q enters and sees Squire G taking notes. He walks behind and looks at the monitor.
Squire Q:" Whoa, didn't expect that from Sora."
Squire G:" Who could've? All this does is it makes my interest in him grow more."
Squire Q:" Consul N might've. He's always been interested in Sora, even before he came here by saying stuff like "One day, the Squire of Ouroboros will return and he will be glorious" or something like that."
Squire G:" Consul M was like that too but when it comes to Squire S..."
Squire G:" Don't remind me. He gets all pissy when Sora is brought up. You thinking jealousy or...?"
Squire G:" No, something else in fact. I would like to ask more but the more we do, the more confrontational he gets."
Squire Q:" Yeah... so anyway, big guy is ready?"He looks at the giant tube that houses the huge amalgamation inside. Squire G looks at briefly before looking back at Squire Q.
Squire G:" Yes, he is. Hopefully, he'll be able to push Sora to his limit."
Squire Q:" Your that invested, huh?"
Squire G:" Oh, yes I am. I'm beginning to think it may take more then a Consul to have Sora's power be unleashed."
Squire Q:" Your thinking a Squire might be able to push him to the limit?"
Squire G:" Squire L has proven that already but... I'm positive my creation will be able to do it."
Squire Q:" We need to know where they'll go next, though."
Squire G:" Oh, don't worry."He stands up and walks in front of the tube. He holds the vial that has Sora's blood in his hand as he stares at his amalgamation.
Squire G:" He'll be able to find Sora no matter where he is."
Back with Sora
It's currently morning and I'm near the entrance of Colony 9. I'm walking carefully, not trying to wake anyone up. I have something I need to-
Noah:" Where are you going?"
Sora:" Ahhh!"I instantly cover my mouth to not make anymore noise as Noah and Mio are behind me. After calming down, I speak to them.
Sora:" I'm going to Everblight Plains."
Mio:" By yourself?"
Sora:" Yeah."
Noah:" Why?"
Sora:" Because I didn't have time to do it yesterday."
Noah:" And you thought it was a good idea to go by yourself?"
Sora:" Quick trip, it'll be easy."
Mio:" Easy, huh?"
Sora:" Yep, easy."
Mio:" Okay, let's go."
Sora:" Yeah...Wait, what?"Mio goes in front of me with a smile on her face. It's clear she won't budge unless I agree.
Mio:" I said "Let's go", as in all three of us."
Sora:" It's alright, Mio. I can go by myself."
Mio:" Uh-huh. And what happens if you get attacked?"
Sora:" I'd-"
Mio:" What happens if you get lost?"
Sora:" I don't think I'd-"
Mio:" What happens if a Consul is there and you don't have anyone to help or protect you?"
Sora:" I... Well, I would... I'd-"
Noah:" Just accept it, Sora. We'd go with you whether you'd like it or not. And she's the only one asking or else I'd be asking too."
Sora:" Fine, fine."
Mio:" Good boy."

Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Beyond Fate
FanfictionEverything is supposed to go how it's supposed to, it is foretold so...so why is so much changing? The story is the same but has other elements added to it...Is it good or bad? Nobody knows but it all depends on him and what he knows...He is the key...