Judgment II

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A corpse under a pink fire, a man in black pointing his sword at me, and the pressure emanating from him... The moment I saw him, I instantly knew just how dangerous he is.

Squire R:" So silent... I looked forward in whatever banter we were going to have, Sora."
Sora:" Wasn't he your comrade?"
Squire R:" Hm?"
Sora:" Consul E. Why did you kill him? What reason did you have to-"
Squire R:" He was weak."
Sora:" What?"
Squire R:" Oh, don't play the innocent act, you knew as well how weak he was. In your battle, he was utterly out-matched and he scampered away in fear."
Squire R:" Before you came here, the man begged for his life with tears streaming down his face. The moment he saw my Blade rise, he knew all hope was lost... He died in shame and in despair, such is how a mortal should."

Confused as to why he referred to Consul E like this, I focus my attention even more on Squire R. As I stare at him, I begin to see something...strange, as if I'm seeing through him into something deeper. A bright orb is burning but it's as if it doesn't belong.

Sora:" Is that body even yours?"
Squire R:" My body...? Ah...so you can see it."
Sora:" See what?"
Squire R:" Hehe... You and Squire S are very much alike in many ways. In abilities but in manners, you two couldn't be any more different."
Sora:" What are you talking about?"
Squire R:" This body is, how shall I say it?.. Quite remarkable and I am slowly making it mine but that is all I will say. But enough about that, it is time to follow the orders I was given."

He gets into a stance, ready to begin the upcoming battle. The pressure begins to increase as I feel immense danger coming from him. Some part of me is excited while the other worries for what's coming.

Squire R:" This heart is racing...the blood is flowing... This feeling... I must say, I've never felt this before... Is this what it means to be a mortal? How...interesting."
Sora:" This pressure...!"
Squire R:" Can you feel it, Sora? This excitement! Our blood burning with desire! How incredibly mortal...! The time for words still has precedence, but the call of battle yells for action!"

In an instant, he leaps forward and swings his sword down at me and at the same time, I summon the Ouroboros of me and Noah to clash swords with him. The clash creates an explosion that sends the Ouroboros and me flying from the smoke as I roll off the ground and the Ouroboros crashes into a wall.

Sora:" He overpowered the Ouroboros in an instant?!"
Squire R:" It is not over yet, Sora!"

From the smoke, he charges ahead and jumps from the now destroyed barrack and brings his sword down towards me. I dodge as the sword pierced the ground but not before he quickly pulls it out and continues his assault towards me. I counter by closing the distance and begins exchanging blows with him, my fist going towards his stomach but blocks it with the hilt before using his gun and shooting it point-blank, barely missing as I dodge in time.

Squire R:" Exquisite. Blow for blow we exchange and I feel so alive!"
Sora:" Tch, stop holding back, you bastard!"
Squire R:" That is something I unfortunately have no control over. But enjoy our dance, Rebellious Squire! For it shall decide how you face your Judgement!"

With his sword, he launches slash after slash with such speed and power that I struggle to dodge each time. The Ouroboros tears through the rock wall it was sent to and lands in between us, engaging once again with Squire R. Squire R strikes with his sword as the Ouroboros strikes back with its own, struggling to handle R's power before he aims his gun and fire towards me again, almost hitting me.

Squire R:" Yes... I see now how you were able to defeat both Squire's Q and G as you did. But you'd do well to not think I am the same as them."
Sora:" He's not even breaking a sweat!"
Squire R:" Be that as it may be, I am enjoying this battle. Though, it may be more of a scuffle than battle."
Sora:" We'll see about that!"

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