before we start

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be warned has sexual depictions, pregnancy, mention of abuse, alcohol, abandonment.

for a mature audience only!

first book of 2 

weekly updates

fast burn 


Alta Aikawa

Quirk: mind manipulation

Eye color: blue

Hair color:white

This is taking place between 2nd year and 3rd year in UA I will be making a lot of stuff up but will try not to stray from how a character should act and how they talk. I will be giving bakugou a lot of character development but he will still be quite explosive so don't be mad if it's not canon. Altas quirk is mind manipulation she can use her mind to manipulate about anything physical and mental so telekinesis with extra steps lol she can make up memories remove memories manipulate one's reality, move physical objects, and use pulse waves.when she alters another person's mind they tend to pause for about 5 minutes. It may sound powerful but the drawbacks can be immense especially when used for mental manipulation. She can have migraines for days black out chronic bloody noses loss of sense and lose touch with reality for a few hours just depend on how she uses it and for how long.

This will be post war since the series wasn't/isn't over yet at the time i am writing this (i am currently where they are about to face off with shiggy/AFO again sorry if characters have died since that point and they are still in my fanfic) i will make up how it ended and how people changed but most likely i don't need to explain how people changed if im vague enough. I am making them go back to school after most of japan is put back together so they will be close to or will be 18 when in 2nd year i didn't want to just give them a free pass to move on and just become a hero i felt even though they are fictional they deserved to finish school and graduate.

I don't plan to change or edit it in the future so take it as it is and please don't be mad with me. I have been working on this piece a while in advance and dont have the time or motivation to ever change it.

Thank you for choosing to read my piece and I hope you enjoy!!

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