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=authors note=

since im making a book two and the time skip is kinda big i thought these little one shots would be a good filler between books read if you want to but there is important information in them so if you decide not to read them you might miss out on this info. anyway i hope you enjoyed book one and now enjoy these oneshots.



preface: alta is training to be a hero and sakura is about to be 1.

i woke up to my alarm blaring and shinsou busting through the door with sakura in his arms. as soon as she saw me she immediately yelled 'MAMA' i smiled and got out of bed to grab her. i kissed her chubby cheeks and took her to her room, Shinsou not far behind. I picked out a cute little outfit with flowers all over. and she picked out a bow to match. I set her on the changing table and cleaned her up. I got her dress and put her precious messy green hair into pigtails. I left her little white streak out because I thought she would look cute.

Once she was finished, Shinsou picked her up and put her in the high chair so mic could hand her breakfast. Her favorite thing to eat is eggs so that's exactly what mike gave her.

"eggs for the princess, chopped to your liking." mic said in the most ridiculous voice.

Sakura squealed and dug right in.

I chuckled as I entered the bathroom to take a shower. I had to take a quick one today because I have to go to hero training with aizawa. I was on the fast path to becoming a hero and I was almost finished with the training and school work. Next week I will be taking the hero exam made just for me. aizawa has been the one to train me during his free time. After school, Aizawa sneaks me into the training grounds to train me to be an independent hero. I'm hoping being an independent hero hides my daughters existence well enough.

i finished my shoulder and put on some gym clothes today is saturday so its a full day of training ahead. I threw my hair up and went to eat in the dining room just as I was entering, Shinsou was picking up sakura to take her to her playpen. once again at the sight of me sakura squealed. I kissed her face again before Shinsou could take her.

I sat down and ate and studied at the same time. that's when i heard a shinsou yell

"Alta come here quickly." I bolted up and went to the living room.

just as i was entering sakura plopped on her butt.

"what happened?" i asked

"She just took her first steps." Shinsou stated excitedly.

"No way."

I sat on the floor across from Shinsou and he sat her on her feet again. He tossed me a toy and told me to hold it out just far enough to encourage her. So I did just that. Shinsou helped her at first but once she was out of his reach she took a few steps and fell on her butt. I got so excited I squealed aizawa came in with a toothbrush in mouth asking what was going on. so me and shinsou showed him but this time she took one more step than before. his face gleamed with excitement. He left the room but came back with a mic and a phone ready to record.

"show mic." he demanded holding up the phone recording her walking.

so me and shinsou once more showed sakura's new trick. she once again took a few steps and then fell on her butt. mic gasped and put his hand to his mouth looking like he was gonna cry.

aizawa put the phone away and stated that there was no training today because we are celebrating Sakura's milestone. I smiled and kept helping sakura practice her new skill. I was beyond happy that I did not miss this milestone.

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