part 15

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After meeting up with aizawa and on the drive home we talked over a plan that could work. We just were not sure about what to do for the last step because I wasn't ready to say goodbye to my classmates just yet.

"Alright i'll discuss with recovery girl the plan hopefully she'll help us execute the lie.'' Aizawa said biting on a pen looking down at a notebook with our plan.

I nodded my head and gave a sigh. Aizawa looked up and reached his hand out so I could hold it for comfort. I put my hand in his and he squeezed it. I look up at him and give him my attention.

"Listen kid, we will get you through this. This plan is in both of your best interest, not to mention it keeps the child safe from possible threats midoriya may face since he has a strong quirk everyone is after." he assured.

I i squeezed his hand back, took my hand out of his, and got up from the table. "I'm going to take a shower, I'll be down for dinner. Hopefully the baby likes the smell." I said with a chuckle. aizawa nodded his head and shooed me away so he could focus on perfecting the plan. I made it to the entrance of the room and looked back. Aizawa was on the phone with a recovering girl. I sighed and walked out of the room.

I made my way to the bathroom and all of a sudden I felt my body pulsate. I paused and put my hand on my stomach waiting for it to happen again but it never did. It was a weird feeling but I brushed it off. I went into the bathroom and began running the water. I began to undress and brush my hair real quick. I hopped in the shower and let the hot water run down my face. That's when a sudden surge of pain ran through my body. I screamed bloody murder and collapsed into a ball on the bottom of the tub. I hugged myself and rocked back and forth trying to make the pain go away. That's when aizawa rushed in with his hand over his eyes.

"What's wrong, do we need to go to the hospital?"he frantically asked.

"Give me my towel, it's on the sink please." I pleaded between sobs. He got the towel and tossed it in my direction and left the room. I turned off the water and wrapped the towel around me as best as i could. I winced at every step I took. this felt like before i was afraid i would have a malfunction again.i made my way to the room but i ended up collapsing halfway which happened to be right outside shinsous room. I banged on his door even though it caused me pain with every knock. Before he could answer my quirk malfunctioned and a surge of power from my own body broke his door open. i screamed and lay on the floor. I felt like blacking out but tried staying awake. "Shinsou, give me one of your shirts. I need to go to the hospital but I'm not decent and can't make it to my room." I yelled. He rushed to get me a shirt and he got me sweats and helped me get dressed trying not to look but looking when he needed to. He held me bridal style and made his way to the front door. "dad ! we need to go NOW!!" shinsou yelled aizawa ran up and grabbed the keys and ran past shinsou to open the car door. i held onto my stomach whispering to the baby to just hang on. We all got in and didn't even put on seat belts. I was trying to not pass out. That's when aizawa spoke up. " I know this is a bad time but maybe this would be our opportunity to go through with the lie. I need to know now so i can make the proper phone calls." he said.

I barely managed to say do it before i passed out cold in shinsous arms.


"do it" alta barely managed to say.

her body went limp after she spoke. my body filled with panic. Dad got on the phone and let recovery girl know everything. I gently slapped Alta on the face trying to wake her.

"Come on, let's wake up." I said with worry.

I continued to try to wake her up, shaking her, pinching her whatever i could that would possibly make her jolt out of her slumber but nothing her body lay limp. I constantly checked on her breathing and her pulse. I gave dad updates as I did so.

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