part 17

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. I was getting ready for the last day of 2nd year. I started wearing a big bulky sweater since I had a bump I could still hide. I've been hanging out with my friends a lot less these days to prevent the discovery of the and izuku finally had our talk and hashed something out but he is still upset with me. At least we are talking now. I go on the occasional date with katsuki trying to take in every moment before its time for me to go. I found out im having a girl and i plan on naming her sakura. Spring time always made me the happiest, especially seeing the sakura trees so that's how I came up with her name. Shinsou thinks it's dumb but I really like it. It's fitting since this child is my miracle. I still have quirk malfunctions so i have to use a quirk nullifier to prevent sudden malfunctions. They say it's because of the child being strong. Im assuming its because she shares her daddys DNA with mine. Shinsou has been there so far for every pregnancy milestone, every appointment and is taking online classes to help better support me through childbirth when the time comes. Aizawa has been trying to figure out how to get past the legalities of my last name so i can change it from aikawa to aizawa, not much of a change but it's important to me since my parents abandoned me. The baby has a nursery thanks to mic. He's excited, he considers Sakura his grandchild . The room is colored dusty pink and the furniture is either white or pastel pink. I go in there often to day dream about sakura. How she'll look, who she will become everything. Anyway enough of the update.

I finished getting ready in the bathroom. I decided to lift my shirt and sweater and take a gander at my bump. It was almost to the point where I couldn't hide it any longer. I sighed at the thought that my time with my friends was coming to a close. I pulled my shirt and sweater back down and made my way downstairs for breakfast. mic served up some french toast and drowned mine in syrup. Honestly, that's all I've been craving so far in this pregnancy. I took a bite and I was in pure bliss. I ate every last bite of french toast. The only thing i didn't do was lick the plate clean but i would have if aizawa would permit it but no its bad table manners. I put my plate in the sink and packed my book bag. as i was about to swing it over my shoulder shinsou snatched it up.

"hey!" I holler.

"The new rule is that a pregnant lady can't carry her own bag until we get to school." Shinsou replied.

I huffed and allowed him to carry my bag even though I really didn't have a choice. We made our way to the car where aizawa was waiting for us. Shinsou opened the door and allowed me to get in first. I slid in and got buckled as best I could. let me tell you its whole new thing getting buckled while pregnant. Once Shinsou shut the door and got buckled, Aizawa began to drive us to school.


I made it through half the day before the baby girl was kicking away at my bladder. I had to go pee so bad I was tapping my foot as a way of doing a pee pee dance.Thankfully lunch was just a few minutes away.

Once the bell rang I made a mad dash to the nearest restroom and closed myself in the stall. It was such a relief to finally relieve my bladder.

I came out of the stall, and I washed my hands. As I was drying my hands I stood in front of the hands were cold from the water and i don't know why i was compelled to touch my belly with cold hands to see what would happen. I pulled up my shirts and put one of my cold hands on my belly. Baby girl started doing flips and i giggled at her movements. "im sorry baby girl i just was curious mommy wont do it again." i said while rubbing my belly

I was so focused on her that I didn't hear the bathroom door open. That's when I heard a gasp. It was Mina and my face turned pale. I quickly put my shirts down and I panicked . I immediately took off my quirk nullifier and manipulated her memory.i began to have a bloody nose, a drawback from my quirk which is now more easily obtained now that I am pregnant. I freaked out over my bloody nose and exited the bathroom leaving mina in a daze. i got a tissue from my pocket and put it to my nose. i started to make my way to the teachers lounge to tell aizawa what happened, but once again my focus was not intact and i ran into some which happened to be izuku.

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