Part 13

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I woke up to an annoying shinsou poking my face. I tried swatting his hand but he just came right back.

"Hey . psst. Wake up. You're gonna be late for school."

"I'm awake, can you stop poking my face." I said groggily, swatting his hand away once again but this time he kept his hand away.

He sighed, got off my bed, and exited the room. When the door closed I got up and got ready for school. I'm kinda glad it was friday. I just wanted to relax all weekend and avoid izuku like the plague. I just knew he was going to be overbearing when I saw him at school. I walked my way to the bathroom, did my morning ritual, and put on my uniform. I picked up my stuff and took it back to my room and tossed it to the side. I was too tired and lazy to even put it up right this morning. I closed my bedroom door behind me and I made my way downstairs. I was met with aizawa standing at the door, arms crossed and a serious look about him. I sighed and gave him my full attention, probably looking like I had not slept in years.

"So is your situation top secret. Kinda need to know so I know if I need to shut people down from saying anything." Aizawa asked.

"Yeah, I want to keep it a secret, the problem is making izuku keep it a secret." I said with a frown.

"That may be a challenge....what's wrong kid?"

"I just don't want to ruin his life. He wants to be a hero and a baby will only get in the way of that, especially at the beginning of his career. This child will be a problem for him considering he has one for all. I'd be afraid that my child could be used as a pawn if anyone knew. I really just want to keep this child to myself for everyone's safety, especially the baby's safety."

"I can make you disappear. I'm pretty good at staying off the radar so I'm a pro if I do say so myself."

"Your offer is tempting but I'm still so unsure what to do."

He sighed and opened the door for me and shinsou. On my way out he gave me a look that seemed to say 'just tell me what to do and we will do it'. I nodded at him and proceeded to walk faster to catch up to shinsou.

We made our way to school on foot. Man, that was the worst walk of my life. I was so exhausted once we reached the school and we were really early. I guess that's to be expected if you live with a teacher. Me and Shinsou walked to class together and sat there. I kept signing and thinking and I guess Shinsou knew I was in a dilemma. He sat in front of me and gave me his full attention.

"Speak' he demanded

I indulged him with the problem I was having and how I couldn't seem to make a decision. He listened intently.

"You should keep this child on the down low. You and midoriya both have very strong abilities and villains would definitely see this child as a way to get to izuku. Though we will have to figure out how to get him to forget this child was even real. I know once before you tried to alter his mind but it didn't work back then. Do you think it will work now?"

"I don't think so my power doesn't seem to affect izuku but it could just be that his mind is protected from by the vestiges."

"Well that makes no sense because I can control him with ease."

"Well then idk why my power doesn't work on him then. But I know that we will have to make a plan."

Just as I finished my sentence the door opened and there was izuku with tons of things.

"Alta!! I brought stuff to help with the pregnancy." he practically yelled.

I winced at the word pregnancy and began to shush izuku. Shinsou got up and left the classroom but not before patting izuku on the back and saying congrats. I facepalmed so hard. Of course he jokes around now. I gathered myself and looked at izu

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