Part 4

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I woke up to bright lights and the smell of sterilization chemicals. I blinked to adjust my eyes as started to get up but quickly realized the pounding headache which made me lay back down. I went to cover my eyes from the bright light to prevent my headache from getting worse but as soon as I touched my face I felt instant pain. I hissed at my own touch and pulled away quickly.

I heard someone walk over to my direction and it was mr aizawa with a look of concern on his face.

"Good, you're awake. Mind telling me what you remember?" he asked.

I thought about telling him the truth but i didnt want to get kats expelled. I stood silent for a while trying to act like i was trying to remember. I looked up at aizawa his face now had a look of impatience so i spoke up.

" i– i don't remember anything.'' I lied.

He nodded his head sighed and exited the room. He slid open the door and there stood izuku ready to knock.aizawa moved to the side to allow izuku to pass and slid the door closed behind him. Izuku stood there in silence, worry written all over his face which is just like him. Hewalked over to the side of my bed and went in for a hug but decided against it for fear he may hurt me. He sat on the cot that i was laying on and gently grabbed my knee and caressed it with his thumb.

Looking down he said while sobbing "I should have never let you go alone. I could have at least stood outside the bathroom to guard you from kachaan. I could have kept an eye on him to make sure he wasnt following you but no i got too embarrassed with your statement so much so that the others had to snap me out of my trance."

I took his hand into mine. And made him look at me. I reached and caressed his face wiping his tears with my thumb.

"I provoked him in a way. I feel like what happened to me was my fault. He was just threatening me with words at first telling me to stay away from you and that he owned me but that's when I told him we were breaking up. After I said what I wanted to say he went ballistic beating me and wouldnt let up. It's all my fault.'' I said tears brimming my eyes i stopped caressing his face to wipe my own tears that were coming on quickly.

"None of this was your fault, you can't take responsibility for kachaans actions. It would have been only a matter of time before he actually decided to lay his hands on you even use his quirk on you keep you in a submissive role.'' Izu reassured me.

I reached to hold his hand and continued to cry. I wanted this to be a nightmare. The pain i was feeling physically doesnt compare to the pain i feel mentally. Izuku pulled me into a gentle embrace. I nuzzled my face into his shoulder, ignoring the pain. I just wanted all the comfort i could get. It was like a drug i craved and i was without it for so long. I pulled away and wiped the last of my tears.

We talked for a while until recovery girl dismissed me. She said she couldn't heal all my bruising and cuts due to energy levels being so low and I was fine with it. Izu grabbed my belongings and proceeded to walk me home. We stopped at my door and embraced. He said goodbye to me and i watched as he left until he was out of sight. I reached for the door slowly and opened it. I walked inside and shut the door behind me. The slam of the door must have caught my moms attention because As soon as I turned around I heard a gasp and watched as my mother dropped the plate that was in her hand. I guess looked worse than I thought. After the crash of the dish as it hit the floor I heard frantic footsteps make their way down the stairs. I turned to face the stairs and saw my dad at the base. He saw my beat up face and stopped dead in his tracks with a horror stricken face. After a very long silence my dad finally spoke.

"Who did this to you" he said no coldly.

I debated answering i thought my parents would blame me for what happened. My dad spoke up again.

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