part 16

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A week has passed since I started general studies and man is it boring. I miss doin hero work and watching everyone train. Bakugou tries to walk me home everyday but i don't want to give up my location so i just give him the runaround.

Izuku has been avoiding me. I assume he's still mad. I always try to talk to him but he ignores me. Iida started to question if something happened and kirishima tried talking to him for me but izuku always brushes off Kiri's words. Everyone has tried to be there for both of us but some take sides and that's fine. I'm sure they were told the truth of how i'm still in love with bakugou and i don't blame them for being mad. I just wish they could see what I see.

I got a new phone and gave bakugou and a few others my number. Katsuki checks on me often. I guess I've been sad lately. i mean i just got my friendship rekindled with izuku and now it just crashed and burned over this child and a lie. katsuki has been a big help he's actually been there for me the most besides shinsou, aizawa and mic. he talks about random things to get my mind off whatever is upsetting me. he doesn't push for details of my life he lets me tell him what i want to tell him. he has changed so much and he says it's because of therapy that he's getting better.i couldn't be prouder and more in love with him. and I know what aizawa will say. that i need to get my head out of the clouds but i just want to enjoy this feeling of love for a little longer before i have to let it go completely.


Today was the same and a very boring weekend . It sucks not to be able to do hero training but I cant over exert myself or I might hurt the baby.

I was in my room doing my homework that was sent over the weekend. Everything was so easy I just zip right through it. After I finish I just lay back and try to rest since this child of mine zaps my energy. I soon hear my phone buzz. I picked it up and read on the notification bar that I got a message from bakugou. I opened the message and read its contents.


Hey, you wanna go on a date. Please say yes. Kirishima has been on my ass about asking you to go on a date.

ME SMS 9:40 AM

Sure what time and where we are meeting.


Around three and we can meet at the ramen place we used to always go to.

ME SMS 9:47 AM

Okay see you there.

I got up from my bed and went to the closet. I picked out a pretty sundress, a sun hat, and platform sandals. I went to the bathroom and freshened up a little and put on some makeup. I went back into my room and changed into the outfit I picked. I twirled in front of the mirror admiring how beautiful this dress looks on me. That's when I heard a knock on the door frame. I turned and saw it was shinsou.

"Where are you going?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm going on a date please dont tell Aizawa I already know what he's gonna say but i just want to have fun before I'm very pregnant and have to disappear." I answered pleading with him.

"Secrets safe with me, i'll keep the dads distracted go ahead and go out my window since yours is next to the dads window." he said leaving the room.

"Thank you shinsou i owe you one." i said. I grabbed my purse, shoved my things inside and made my way to his room to hop out the window. While going out the window i fell and scraped my hands and man did that hurt like a bitch. I got up, dust myself off, and checked to see if I had time to stop to get bandages and I did so I hurried to the nearest store.

It took a while and surprisingly i was winded when i got there so i stopped to catch my breath. After evening out my breathing i made my way into the store. I grabbed what i needed, paid, and went and sat on the bench outside to dress my wounds. I was struggling to wrap gauze around my hand. I made noises out of frustration and pain. That's when I felt someone sit next to me. I froze and slowly looked.

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