Part 2

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. At each beep my head would pound and it was annoying. I eventually got up, shut off my alarm, and threw my pillow at izuku but much to my surprise izuku was already up and gone. Not long after the realization izuku busted through his door with breakfast in tow. It felt just like old times where he was always the early bird and I struggled to wake.

"Here you go, sunshine. Eat up, also your uniform smells like liquor and puke so i got my spare uniform and hung it in the bathroom for you."

"Izuku, I can't wear your uniform. Katsuki will notice, and it will be bad." I said with concern.

"Don't worry, I'll be by your side like a bodyguard. And it won't just be me. I texted todoroki and he's also going to help guard you. I didn't tell him everything, I just expressed my concern with how he treats you." he responded.

I eased up a little but was still very nervous. He was going to blow up at me. After being in my thoughts it clicked. I'll ask Izu to help me break up with Katsuki and be free from his grasp.

"Izu, will you help me escape katsuki?" i asked

He froze. He knew when I used his nickname I was being completely vulnerable with him. He nodded his head and agreed to help me. He didn't want to see me hurt anymore, so he was down for murder, or a simple breakup whichever i chose.

I ate all my breakfast, took a shower, got dressed, and I and Izuku made our way to school.

Our walk was fairly slow because of the dread i felt. I didnt want kats to see me in male uniform. No telling how he will react.

Izuku saw me panic a little so he took my hand.

"It will all be okay. You know why?" he asked

I stopped and looked up at him waiting for an answer.

With his best allmight impression he said "because i am here!"

His impression made me giggle and ease up a little.

"Thanks izu i really needed a laugh." you said giving him a small smile.

He returned the smile and we continued to walk to UA


We eventually made it. I was hoping we would beat Katsuki but knowing what time it was he was already sitting in his seat. I stopped at the classroom door and began to panic again. Izuku could tell.

"Alta just breathe, okay? I am right here and todoroki is waiting inside, ready to help." he whispered

His words calmed me but I was still shaking in my boots. Izuku went ahead and opened the door and walked in front of me while holding my hand. It helped that I was seated behind Izuku which put him between me and katsuki. As soon as we closed the classroom door everyone was quiet and staring except for the bakusquad. They didn't notice yet that I was being guarded by izuku and wearing a male uniform. I looked in Todoroski's direction and he gave me a nod to let me know he had my back. That's when Denki pointed out to Katsuki the elephant in the room. Katsu immediately jumped out of his seat and stomped toward our direction. I stopped in my tracks and Izuku immediately took a protective stance in front of me. Todoroki made his way down to back up izuku.

"What are you doing with him, Alta?!" He grabbed me and successfully yanked me towards him. This was the first time he had ever been physically abusive in any way. I was honestly frozen and scared to speak out. That's when I saw Mina sucker punch katsuki.

There were a few gasps and a lot of surprised looks. Izu pulled me away gently and I began sobbing. No one had ever seen Katsuki be aggressive towards me and Mina wasn't having it.

"How long have you been treating her like this?" Mina asked, malice lacing her voice.

"What are yo---" he began to respond.

"HOW LONG?!" she growled again.

"Since we started dating." I spoke up.

Mina looked at me with tears in her eyes and Katsuki had a look of disappointment. There was awkward silence after my response and that was when Mr Aizawa entered the room. We all immediately went back to our seats and sat quietly, so we could begin our lessons.

"Okay class today we will be learning more about the law pertaining to heroics. I know weve been over it many times but a refresher wouldnt hurt."

Everyone sighed with relief today will be an easy day. We began, it was a fast lesson but i just think aizawa wanted an easy day.

Kats kept looking back and glaring at me which made me nervous.i wish he would just stop, hes making himself look like a fool. Everytime kats would look back izuku would reach back and squeeze my knee for reassurance. It was a never ending cyle between the glares and the squeezes for the rest of our classes i was starting to be mentally exhausted. I couldnt wait for it to end.

Our next class rolled around and thankfully the teacher let us have a free period. Whats with the teachers taking it easy on us today. I got up and walked over to izukus group to try to get away from kats, but it wasnt 100 percent working out in my favor. Kats still approached and tried to pull me away from the group. Finally i said something about it which took me by surprise.

"Just give me some space kats why dont you go hang out with mei im sure she would love your company." i said yanking my arm from him.

His face had shock written all over it.

"Is this what this is about. It was one time get the fuck over it." he whispered in my ear and walked away.

I was angry and disgusted at his response. I just wanted to slap him across the face but i convinced myself that i am a better person than he is. I turned back to izukus group and saw their looks of pity. I almost started crying but izuku took me into his arms and turned me away from the others so they wouldnt see my tears. I let the tears roll down my face silently.

"Why dont yall give us a minute" izuku requested.

He took me by my hand and led me to outside the classroom. We sat right outside next to the door.

"What did he say to you?" izu asked.

"Just that i need to get over his one night stand. How am i supposed to get over it? Was i not good enough?" i said between sobs.

"Oh alta you are enough. None of it was your fault kachaan just has some issues that he needs to fix." he said with a comforting tone.

I leaned on his shoulder and just cried, i cried until i couldnt. After about fifteen minutes we made our way back inside. Ochako gave me a hug, iida and todo gave me a sympathetic look. I buried my face into ochakos shoulder thats when i felt someone rub my back i looked up and saw mina. I release ochako and turned and gave mina a hug. During all of it we were silent, like everyone was afraid saying anything would make me more upset. I was grateful for all the reassurance,comfort, and support. I started to feel at ease im glad they are here.

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