Part 7

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 A week has passed and it's been fairly quiet. Bakugou still refuses to look in my direction or even acknowledge me, me and Izu have been hanging out alot lately and catching up, and my body is now almost fully healed from the beating I took.

My birthday was coming up and unfortunately my parents had to be out of town for business, so Izuku and I were planning on having a movie night at my house and doing something rebellious... drinking alcohol. Izuku didn't know it yet because I know how he will react and he will probably steer clear of me but I just wanted to let loose with a friend or a few friends.

"Hey guys wanna come over for my birthday and have a movie night?" i asked iida and uraraka.

"Sure sounds like a lot of fun," Ura responded.

"Are we allowed to bring along a plus one?" Iida asked with a blush.

"Yeah you can bring sero." I say with a wink.

Iidas face blew up red and he was a stuttering mess. He's been talking about sero non stop this past week. I don't think he realized that I knew that he had a massive crush on sero plus when we do hero training he just looks at sero with this specific look of adoration and admiration. It was actually kind of cute. I was jealous of sero. I wish I could find someone who looks at me the way iida looks at sero. I snapped out of my thoughts and heard Ochako and Izuku laughing at iidas reaction and I joined in on the laughter.

"It's alright dude we know you have a crush on him and we support you one hundred percent. Think of us as your wing people." ochako said with a thumbs up and a wink.

After urarakas reassurance iidas face turned back into a normal shade of peach. We spent our entire free period discussing my birthday. what we wanted to watch and who we wanted to invite. during our conversation though i was oblivious to how izuku was looking at me the same way iida looks at sero.


My birthday weekend has finally arrived! I woke up that morning and got ready to go out to purchase what I needed for my little party. I went to the store down the street to pick up the supplies and lo and behold on my way to the store I bumped into bakugou. I didn't realize it at first and was apologizing profusely while getting up and dusting myself off, but Once I lifted my head and we both came to a realization of who we bumped into we froze. breaking out of his trance, Bakugou immediately put his head down. I lifted his head up by his chin so he would look at me. He had a worried look and I just wanted him to stop fearing he would hurt me if he even breathed my air.

"Bakugou, looking at me isn't going to hurt me i promise." I said, giving a small smile.

"I know, I'm sorry, happy birthday." he responded and left. turning away from my touch and walking away.

As he was leaving I yelled to him "I'm having a party at my place. You should come." He waved back in response without looking in my direction. I'll take that as a maybe i thought to myself and continued to the store.

I entered the store and made quick work .I grab chips, dip drinks etc. everything a birthday party could possibly need except for a cake. Izuku said he would provide the cake so I don't worry about buying one. I proceeded to the check out and paid for my items.

I made my way home after buying what I needed. I hummed a tune and walked, taking in the fresh air and sunshine. As soon as I rounded the corner to get home I noticed Izuku sitting outside waiting for me with a cake in hand. I ran up, put the groceries down and fumbled for my keys while apologizing for the wait.

"Why are you so early izuku?" I asked as I was unlocking the door and opening it.

"I had a present for you that i want you to open before everyone gets here" he responds as he was handing his gift to me over my shoulder.i put down the supplies by the kitchen and took the gift from his hand turned to face him and began unwrapping it. In the wrapping was a small jewelry box with the outside covered in a velvet fabric, maybe big enough for a necklace. I opened the jewelry box and my assumption was correct it was a beautiful diamond necklace. I looked at the box with shock. how could he even afford something so beautiful and elegant?

"Izuku, I can't accept this gift. You must have spent a fortune." I say shutting the box and handing it back to him.

He took the box, opened it and took the necklace out. He unclasped it, reached behind my neck right under my hair and proceeded to clasp it around my neck.

"I got this for you on the birthday you started dating kachaan, I saved up all my money until that point to get you this gift, so please take it. I've waited so long to give it to you." he said while smiling so big and holding me by the shoulders.

I look at him with tears in my eyes. I never received a gift so nice and couldn't believe he held onto it for so long waiting for a moment where he could give it to me. I embrace him telling him how much I appreciated it. I held onto him for a while, letting the tears roll down my cheek. i finally let go of our hug and began to set up for the party which will soon begin

After I was done setting up I admired my hard work and made small adjustments. As I was putting the finishing touches I heard a knock on the door. I put down what I was doing and I go to answer it while asking Izuku to start making the popcorn. As soon as I opened the door I was greeted with a loud happy birthday. I see iida sero ura tsu kirishima denki and todoroki. surprised by the few extra people joining us tonight, I let them enter my home telling them to make themselves comfortable.

"Well there are a few extra people than anticipated but that's okay because i bought extra food just for this reason." i tell everyone.

"Sorry, I invited Denki and kiri. I should have asked first."Sero said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I invited tsu and todoroki... mina said she's gonna be a little late.'' Uraraka said.

I smiled "the more the merrier but let's not make it super merry or i'm in trouble." I say laughing, everyone laughs as well. I go to the kitchen and pull out a bottle of rum to set it out for the party. Izuku sees what I am doing, snatches the bottle, and holds it above my head.

"What are you doing? Do you remember what happened last time or do i need to remind you to miss flirty when drunk.'' he teases.

"I drank a whole bottle by myself last time. This time I'm sharing it with other people so no worries." I say jumping and snatching it back.

Izuku rolled his eyes and went to the living room to greet everyone. I started to put the popcorn in bowls and hear the doorbell. I went to open the door and at the door was mina. She brought 3 bottles of alcohol. This was definitely going to be a wild night. I let her in and helped her carry one bottle of liquor to the kitchen. Izuku looked shocked and worried because he knew if Mina brought alcohol it meant we were all getting drunk.

I set the liquor down and turned to see izuku with a worry stricken face. I gave him a reassuring smile and proceeded to the living room with the popcorn. Everyone started coming towards me like a pack of hungry wolves. I giggled and told them that there was more food in the kitchen and they all made their way to the source of the food. I sat down on the couch waiting for everyone to come back picking out a movie while waiting.

"Alta come take a shot with us." Mina yelled.

I get up and make my way to the kitchen and see everyone with a red solo cup, even izuku who was staring at his cup with worry. I take a cup from Mina and look into the cup. I was shocked there was definitely more than a shot in the cup. I quickly wiped the shock from my face. I lifted my cup to make a silent toast and downed the liquor. It burned going down so I definitely made a face and a few unflattering noises. Everyone laughed and followed my actions. Tonight was going to be a good night.

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