part 5

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I woke up and I was so sore. I immediately rummaged through my drawer looking for pain relievers. I eventually found it and took it without water because I was that desperate. After taking the medication I went to the bathroom and cleaned and redressed the wounds the best i could but there were still a few wounds that i couldnt reach i sighed and gave up trying to dress the unreachable thats when an idea popped into my mind. I decided I would have izuku dress and clean my unreachable wounds around lunch. We will just have to leave early from lunch though. I sent him a text requesting he brought his first aid kit. Waited a few minutes for a response but never got one, i tossed my phone into my bag and zipped it up. i quickly ran downstairs , which wasnt a good idea by the way. I reach downstairs and per usual my parents were already off to work, they were such workaholics. I waltzed into the kitchen and prepared avocado toast and made my way out the door. I was limping so it made my walk longer than it had to be. I made it to the train station and hopped on a train every movement the train had made me wince. I got a few glances and weird looks from bystanders because of my wincing. I made it to my stop and got off and proceeded to walk to school.


I ended up being a bit early to class, surprisingly, and no one was in sight so i decided to hang out on the roof. As i was making my way up i bumped shoulders with bakugou, i began to panic and started running for the stairs that led up to the roof. When i got up there i was huffing and puffing so i took a seat on the bench to catch my breath and relax before class started. Just when i started meditating to get in the right headspace.i heard the doors creak open. i looked over my shoulder and saw bakugou approaching the bench i was sitting on. I got up quickly, regrettably, and took a defensive stance. He took notice, his face went from his scowl to sadness within seconds.i continued to hold firm in my position as bakugou approached slowly. He decided to stop a couple of feet in front of me and began to speak.

"Alta please just listen to me"

"Why should i im so afraid of you because you hurt me honestly i think my fear doubled since you beat me to a bloody pulp."

Thunder cracked, i looked up and saw rain clouds. I refocused on bakugou.

"Im so sorry alta i want to take it all back i still want to be with you please just take me back PLEASE."

"What are you even playing at is it because you got caught. Please why would i want to be with someone who trapped me made me submit out of fear and through all the hell you put me through you cheated on me!" i yelled at him not realizing it was pouring rain. I began to cry. He just stood there not answering me his face looked even more sad than before.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME" I screamed at the top of lungs things around us began to levitate i just wanted to hurt him back so i used my quirk to throw things at him. He dodged and ducked. I didnt even realize he was closing the gap between us. Soon my vision was so blurry from rain and tears and i stopped with my antics. Bakugou took me by my shoulders fear on his face looking for something other than anger on my own face. I wanted to collapse i just wanted to curl up on the floor but he held me up.i began to calm down realizing he was still holding me, I stopped crying enough to use my quirk to shove him away from me and i made him hit the rooftop door. I winced at the sudden bang sound from him hitting the door, i instantly regretted it so i launched myself off the roof and levitated to the ground. I saw bakugou look over the railing on the rooftop i looked away and ran inside and went to the classroom hoping midoriya was there. Thankfully he was and i sat and conversed with the classmates that were there.

"Alta why are you soaked?" asked iida

"Did you forget an umbrella here i can make you one" offered momo.

Midoriya offered his dry jacket and hung mine over the back of my chair. Todo even offered his fire to help warm me. I hugged his fire side as he slowly heated his body to help warm me. Thats when the classroom door slammed open. It was bakugou he was super soaked holding his side from the injury i technically inflicted. I looked away and midoriya picked up on what was going on. He asked that everyone give us some privacy.

"Were you with kachaan this morning" he whispered

"Yeah but he followed me to the roof."i replied in hushed tones

"WHAT?" He said way too loud.

I shushed him

"Oops but anyway are you okay?"he asked

"Yeah but i did use my quirk on him which is why he walked in the way he did" i answered.

He took a glance at kats and turned back. He sighed "at least you are okay." he turned around in his desk. The door opened and in walked aizawa. He glanced at me then bakugou noticing we were both sopping wet he sighed and face palmed.

"Aikawa and bakugou go to recovery girl and get checked out and get dried off" he said.

Me and bakugou followed orders and walked together but not close. I walked behind bakugou noticing he still was holding his side. I felt really bad. I didnt mean to hurt him i just wanted him to get away from me. we get to recovery girls office and sat down. i explained why we were in there and who sent us.

"alright just give me a second to get what i need" she said.

i looked at bakugou again still hold his side. i gave him a tap on the shoulder which made him flinch. i withdrew my hand and placed it in my lap.

"katsuki im very sorry i didnt mean to hurt you." i said.

he sighed and painfully turned around.

"what you did to me was deserved. this injury is nothing compared to what i did to you." he responded.

what he said made me sad. it doesnt matter what he did he didnt deserve to get hurt

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