Part 9

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We watched several movies, mostly all scary. But the last movie we watched was completely not for us and everyone except me and kiri were asleep. We decided to finish the movie to see how it concluded and it was pretty good. After the movie ended my mind randomly started worrying about bakugou again. I started to fidget with my hands and kiri noticed my slight panic.

"Let's go look for him, just you and me. We don't have to tell anyone." he said in a soft tone.

I nodded my head in agreement, got up off the couch and maneuvered around sleeping bodies.

We left my home and began our long trek to find bakugou. we searched every possible place that we could find him, spicy restaurants, parks, late night coffee shops, just about everywhere and we couldn't find him. Kiri called him many times until he finally picked up. Kiri said he sounded sloshed. kiri lied horribly to try to get Bakugou to give up his location. After about ten minutes of trying to convince bakugou to give us his location, Bakugou finally gave in and told him he was on the same hill I was on when I found out Bakugou was cheating on me. My eyes widened at the realization. I turned to the direction while kiri was still on the phone. I began sprinting to get to bakugou. I was afraid of what I would find. I was so afraid bakugou hurt himself.

i was approaching the location and soon reached the hill top and saw Katsuki sitting there with a bottle of booze in his hands. I slowed down almost to a halt. I looked at every part of his body especially his hands looking for any signs that he possibly hurt someone or himself and thankfully he had no cuts or burns or bruises. I saw him take a swig of the booze and make a face it made me sad he got sloshed because of me. The closer I looked at his face I realized he was crying.

"Katsuki?" I called.

He zipped his head around to look at me, shock written all over his face. We just stood there looking at each other for what seemed like forever. After a while I slowly started to approach him, the worry I felt replaced with sympathy. He got up sloppily, his head facing down, tears dripping to the ground. His sobbing made me quicken my pace. Once I reached Bakugou I took him into my embrace and he reciprocated . he held onto me so tight, his face burrowing into the crook of my neck. He began sobbing very loudly and we crumbled to the ground. I don't know why I had the urge but I whispered in his ear that I loved him and that everything was okay. He whipped his head up and looked at me with wide eyes.he pushed me away and got up and began walking away.

"What the hell!" I yelled at Bakugou as I got up.

he turned quickly yet sloppily.he looked at me with anger.

"You are either playing me or you are playing him. There is no way that you are in love with both." he yelled back.

"What are you even talking about?" I asked, playing dumb. I knew exactly what he meant.

" You slept with that damn nerd and now you are telling me you love me," he screamed with tears pouring from his eyes.

I already knew what he was talking about but I was still surprised. I winced at his raised voice. He noticed my wince and had a scared look on his face, the same look when he was afraid to hurt me. I knew he was scared once again of himself. I decided to push down my fear and approach him. I hated him for being afraid of himself.

Once I started getting close, Bakugou began to back up and told me to stay away but I didn't listen. I launched myself at him and we both tumbled to the ground.

"You can't stay afraid for the rest of your life katsuki! All you can do is get the help you need and better yourself but how can you possibly do that when you are afraid to hurt me all the time!" I yelled.

He looked up at me shocked. He reached up and gently wiped a tear I didn't know I was shedding. It honestly startled me and I jolted. Katsuki noticed and withdrew his hand quickly. That's when we heard kiri calling.

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