Part 1

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There I sat in the rain, staring up at the sky, wondering what the hell I did to deserve this pain. My first love had cheated on me multiple times, only for me to find out 2 years into our relationship. To top it all off, he was verbally abusive, making it difficult to confront him about his wrong doing. I only had a choice between confronting him and leaving, or staying and looking like an idiot.

After being confined in my head, the pain grew, and I screamed into the universe. I begged the universe for answers, but all I received in return was silence. "Of course the world wouldn't answer with words" I muttered to myself. After screaming repeatedly I reached into my bag and grabbed a bottle of liquor that I got from my parents liquor cabinet and began chugging it. It was not a pleasant sensation to chug alcohol, but I didn't mind. As long as drinking took the pain away like everyone said it did. sip after sip memory after memory it all seemed bitter after finding out about his extra activities. I was starting to have regrets about entering into this relationship. all the double standards, manipulation, and gaslighting none of it was what i was expecting. i want to go back in time and deny his advances, things would be different if i only knew.


It had stopped raining after a few hours had passed and I was incredibly intoxicated. I drank the last bit of liquid in the bottle and got up from my position on the ground. I walked over to the edge of a cliff and screamed "fuck you katsuki bakugou" and chucked the glass bottle as far as my drunk ass could throw it. In the process of throwing the bottle I stumbled and was going to fall backwards but before I could fall flat on my ass someone caught me. I quickly got up and turned around. I gave my thanks and looked up. my eyes widened from realizing who caught me, it was izuku. The look on his face showed many emotions at once, relief, sadness, anger, but mostly worry.

Izuku was my best friend, my partner in crime, but I had no choice but to leave our friendship behind. Katsuki did not like our friendship, I'm sure he saw it as a threat. Dropping our friendship has always been one of my biggest regrets. Izuku was always there, picked me up when I was down, dusted me off and encouraged me to keep going. I needed to apologize to him for the mistake I made. I guess now is a better time than any.

"I am so sorry for dropping our friendship like it was nothing. That was a huge mistake." I said between sobs.

Izuku said nothing and just pulled me into a tight hug. his embrace was comforting and made me feel safe. i buried my face into his chest and held onto him for dear life. it felt like an eternity in his arms but it was only mere minutes

Being incredibly drunk, after hearing his words I pulled away from the hug just a little and looked up at him. Once he looked down at me I smashed my lips onto his. At first he was surprised, then he reciprocated but quickly pulled away and distanced himself by holding me by the shoulders.

"Alta, we can't do this. You are drunk and you are dating kachaan." he said with concern in his voice.

"Who cares? He's a cheater as well. He actually cheated first. And on top of it all he is so manipulative and abusive. I just want to feel *hic* loved," I sobbed angrily.

He looked at me, astonished. " I'm going to actually kill him. I can't believe he is hurting you." he said, enraged while turning on his heels to go on a manhunt. I grabbed his wrist and begged him not to go find trouble because it would only make it worse for me.

After a lot of convincing he decided to take me to his house so I could sleep off the liquor. We entered his home quietly and he carried me to his room bridal style and laid me on his bed. After laying me in the bed, he covered me up and exited the room to acquire water, pain reliever, and more bedding for him to sleep on the floor. As he came back I was head deep in a trash can, puking up my guts. He immediately started rubbing my back and holding my hair back. I really appreciated his small acts of kindness.

After my episode he helped me back into bed, pulled the covers over me, and kissed my forehead. He immediately went to bed. It took me a while to fall asleep but eventually I gave in to slumber's temptation.

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