part 19

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Kastuki burst through the door the look on his face made my heart sink. But that sinking feeling was short lived when another contraction came on i wailed from the pain. I squeezed onto shinsous hand with all my might. He winced from the pain i was causing him once the contraction passed i let his hand go to give his poor fingers a break.

Katsuki shoved his way through pushing shinsou to the side and told me to lean forward. I complied with a lot of struggle and pain. He sat behind me. I leaned into him and it was instant comfort. The pain didn't feel as bad as before with katsuki here. I felt like I could do anything. He stood in silence as I rode out a few back to back contractions. after the fourth contraction katsuki spoke up.

" I've got so many questions," he whispered.

I nodded my head and felt another contraction come on. I began to cry and moan from the pain. bakugou stuck his hand out in front of me and I took it. I squeezed so hard and he didnt even wince once. it was nice not having to worry about hurting someone else because I knew he could take the pain considering he could probably hurt himself with his own quirk.

After that contraction passed, the recovery girl checked to see how dilated I was. Katsuki asked if he wanted me to look away once he realized the recovery girl pulled up my sheet. I told he could decide for himself. He decided to look at me and not pay attention to anything else. I winced from the pressure. Katsuki took notice and kissed me on the head while petting my shoulders. She finished, put my sheet down and told me it was time to push. I began to sob. I was so tired I just wanted to rest and I was very scared even after the recovery girl assured me the baby was fine. bakugou could sense my fear. I was shaking and sobbing uncontrollably.

"Hey it's okay we are all here but most importantly the recovery girl has this in the bag. It'll be okay." he tried to comfort me by rubbing my shoulders .

It worked to an extent but I was still worried. The comfort didn't last long because I began to panic again. the recovery girl said to bare down and pushed. I cried.

"I can't do this, I can't do this, I'm so tired."

Aizawa and Shinsou came up on each side of me holding a leg and looking at me in an attempt to still give me privacy.

"We have you now, all you have to do is push," aizawa reassured me. I nodded and bared down.

"Now give me a good push," recovery girl requested.

I obliged and pushed with all my might while screaming. Bakugou caressed my arm with his free hand and whispered assurances and affirmations into my ear. They all encouraged me and helped me through every push until finally i felt relief and heard a cry. I began to cry and laugh at the same time I was so happy she was here. She handed me the baby and I just admired her. She had green hair like izuku with a single white streak in the front and bright blue eyes like mine

"Welcome sakura."I whispered to her happy tears streaking my face.

"She's beautiful."bakugou started giving me a kiss on the top of my head. I looked up at him and he gave me a slight smile and a peck on the lips.

Recovery girl finished up her business with me. she gave me clean sheets to lay with and lit incense.

I finally got to rest. She took the baby to check her vitals and clean her up. That's when Katsuki started with the questions.

"I thought you said you lost the baby"

I sighed because I knew he wanted an answer so I will give it to him since my plan is to wipe his memory of this event and replace it with a false one.

"I lied, I had to, I wanted the baby to stay a secret for me and her safety. I'm sorry I lied to you." I said tears rolling down my face as I whispered the last part.

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