Part 10

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The weekend was definitely interesting to say the least. Mom and dad came back Sunday evening and we had our own little birthday celebration. My mom made me a cake and my favorite dinner, ramen, But now the weekend is coming to an end and I need to get ready for bed. I gathered my clothes and my towel and made my way to the bathroom down the hall. I walked in, set down my stuff on the counter and started the shower. I began stripping my clothes off and brushing my hair before the shower to avoid tangling but Before i hopped in I received a text from bakugou. I picked up my phone and read the message.

BAKUGOU SMS 10:30 pm

Hey thanks for considering giving me a second chance. I found a therapist that

I think will help me maybe they can help you their number is ***-***-**** reach out if you want i don't care.

ME SMS 10:32 pm

Yeah thanks i'll give them a call

After sending the message I started playing music so I could jam in the shower. I set my phone down on the counter and hopped in the shower. The hot water felt good on my skin. i was a complete relief on my sore body, i wish i could stay in the shower forever.

After doing my usual shower routine I hopped out and began my post shower routine. I washed my face and put moisturizer on, then I put on my body. After that I got dressed and began putting products in my hair. I decided to braid my hair so it can be wavey for tomorrow. I threw my dirty laundry in the basket, grabbed my towel, grabbed my phone and made my way to my room. I hung my towel on the hook that was on my wall and I plopped down on my bed and sighed. I was bored and wanted to know what the class plans are this week so I decided to text iida to see what he knew.

ME SMS 11:42 pm

Iida what are we doing this week at school.

After the message was sent i tossed my phone to the side and i just laid there in silence, staring at the ceiling, and wondering what i was gonna do about

izuku and bakugou. I felt like running away. I guess let's play a game called who's going to confess their feelings for Alta next. I shook away my thoughts, closed my eyes and breathed a big sigh. I could feel myself dozing off until I heard my phone ding. I opened my eyes, grabbed my phone, and looked at the screen. it was iida.

IIDA SMS 12:17 am

Just the usual lots of hero training but in about 5 weeks we go to practice rescue at the USJ. How exciting is that?

ME SMS 12:20 am

Ugh alright also why are you up at this hour?

IIDA SMS 12:23 am

Im fixing to head to bed just thought to text you the info real quick. Is there anything else I can help you with?

ME SMS 12:25 am

Unless you have any recommendations on who can put me out of my misery, I'm good. Night iida.

After i messaged iida i put my phone on the charger, set my alarm, and hit the sack. hoping this week would be as boring as it sounded.


Time skip 5 days Friday

I woke up to my alarm wailing away. it was the most annoying part of my day. I groggily get out of bed and walk over to my phone to shut off the alarm only to stumble and fall. I landed on my arm in an odd position and my arm shot with immediate pain.i hissed from the pain when i moved it. Dammit i might have broke my arm. I wasn't going to attempt to use my arm for fear of making it worse. I needed recovery girl. I had to figure out how to hide my arm from my parents without moving it and causing more damage. I could think of no other solution but to use my arm to prevent my parents from noticing. Surely it wouldn't hurt to use my arm until I got to recovery girl. I ignored the pain until and i went ahead and put on my uniform carefully. I winced at every movement, careful to not make a lot of noise so i dont alarm my parents. Slowly but surely I put on my uniform and made my way out the door acting as normal as possible around my parents. My parents may seem kind but that's only if I didn't make mistakes that were silly or completely life changing. They threatened to kick me out because I cut my hair short and I think that's pretty extreme.

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