Part 6

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Once recovery girl was done with her examination, healing bakugou, and giving us dry clothes, I walked back to class alone. bakugou ended up staying in recovery girl's office per her request. I got back and saw aizawa standing outside the door. I guess his class finished. I approached and tried to enter the classroom but aizawa stopped me.

"Alta we pulled up the camera footage of yesterday and we know what happened. We are willing to take action if you wish to proceed,"Aizawa stated.

His statement took me by surprise. I guess it's to be expected if one of the students is seriously hurt and not on the training grounds.

"It's okay Mr Aizawa, we talked it over with his parents and they have set up a plan." I reassured aizawa.

His face had a skeptical look . It was like he was examining my face for any indication I was lying. He sighed after his once over and let me into the classroom. As soon as I entered I was bombarded by izuku.

"Are you in trouble for hurting kachaan?" he asked.

"no but he may be in trouble. They wanted to punish him if I agreed but I passed. we already talked to his parents and decided on an appropriate punishment." I responded.

Izuku looked concerned but didn't say anything. I knew what he wanted me to do. He wanted justice to be served for what katsuki put me through, but I believed he was still young enough to change his ways. I held onto hope that one day he would be a good man to the next girl he is with.

The thought of him being with another partner made my eyes well with tears but I quickly wiped them away. Thankfully, Izuku didn't notice. I am still in love with katsuki like a fool. I have to keep this bit of information to myself. I know if i told anyone they would say i was crazy and that the feelings will pass, but to be honest i don't know if they ever will.

I was so deep in my own thoughts I didn't realize Izuku was talking until he waved in front of my face.

"Earth to alta are you even listening?" izu asked

I snapped out of my trance and gave Izuku an apologetic look while rubbing the back of my neck.

"Sorry Izuku, I am just really tired emotionally." i replied

He gave me a small smile and continued his conversation with me while I was listening.


The day continued and so did our classes. All the teachers had concern written all over their faces when they saw the condition I was in. I honestly didn't want their pity. the pity is what gets to me the most, i have a quirk i could have defended myself but i didn't i just let it happen. how could i just stand there and take a beating when i have a somewhat powerful quirk. I kept going through the what ifs. I wasn't even paying attention in class. I don't know why the pity of others always gets to me. The whole situation was embarrassing enough. i just wish everyone would act like it was a normal day.

I got through all my classes not paying attention to any of them and before I knew it The bell rang for lunch. I grabbed izuku by the arm and drug him with me for lunch as fast as I was able. as i kept my footing i could feel izuku tripping and trying not to fall i guess i was going too fast.

"Alta slow down, why are we in a hurry? I am about to trip and fall flat on my face"he said.

"I need you to redress and clean my wounds so we are going to eat as fast as we can so we can go back to classroom to do so.'' I answered.

he stopped causing my body to jolt backwards. I huffed and turned around, I looked at his face and it was almost as red as my tie. I'm assuming He knew I had to undress a little so he could do what he was asked and the thought made him blush beet red.

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