Part 11

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I began to wake, opening my eyes slowly and feeling groggy as ever. As soon as I opened my eyes I was met with a very bright light. I closed my eyes shut at the sudden brightness and blinked to get my eyes adjusted. I assume i was in the recovery girls office which meant i was out for a long time most likely. I slowly sat up, I felt so heavy and my head was pounding. I looked around the room and saw no one so I got up off the bed and made my way to the door. As I was walking down the halls back to class I was swaying, hitting the walls as I went . I just felt off. While I was making my way back I kept racking my mind on how my quirk just broke in that moment, it has never happened to me before so why now? Was it a quirk awakening?

I finally reached the classroom door and opened it. The sound of the door sliding open or any sound for that matter made my head feel worse. I walked in and I was met with dead silence and looks of concern. I looked away from all the concerned faces out of embarrassment. I started walking to my desk but a hand landed on my shoulder stopping me. I turned around and saw aizawa looking concerned yet stern.

"Let's talk outside for a minute," he said.

I nodded my head and followed aizawa outside the classroom.

"Recovery girl thinks you had a quirk malfunction, but she's not 100 percent sure that's what happened. She wants you to take it easy and run tests once a week in her office so starting every monday you will report to recovery girl first thing every monday understand? Also you should've spoken up about your arm. and i'm assuming your head hurts just by how you look so here" he started pulling my emergency medication from his pocket along with a juice pouch. I took the items from his hand, downed the pills, and thanked him.

We continued talking and I agreed to the terms and examined my repaired arm. After our chat we went back into the classroom. I made my way to my desk with juice in hand and avoided eye contact the best I could. I sat down and aizawa resumed the lesson. I gave Todoroki a quick glance before starting the note and he gave me a thumbs up which made me feel better to know he was fine.I began taking notes until a neatly folded note was thrown on my notebook.

Are you okay aizawa won't say anything -izu

Yeah it was just a quirk malfunction no biggy should be better soon. -alta

I passed the note back to Izuku and I can see him relax a little. I watched him put the note in his pocket and start taking notes again. I did the same and focused on my school work.


The rest of the school day seemed to take forever and I was ready to go home. I was still exhausted from the incident that happened at the training grounds. Katsuki walked me home just to be sure my quirk didn't freak out again. It was a nice gesture but at this point I felt like I was being babysat and it was annoying. I am a grown woman and I should be able to walk myself home.

"You know I can walk home by myself. I'm fine" i said

"Yeah right your quirk freaked out then you blacked out dont need you hurting civilians because you damn quirk is fucked or passing out in the middle of no where." he scoffed

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. I can't wait to get home. I decided to stop and say something in protest to being walked home.

"I don't know if you realized we are not in the middle of nowhere nor will I be because I am just walking home." I said with irritation.

Kats just shrugged his shoulders. I huffed and continued walking.We walked in silence the rest of the way home. I was beyond irritated. Does this malfunction mean no more freedoms? I can't wait to figure out what's wrong with me. I just want to be normal again.

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