Part 3

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We were finally done with our morning lessons and it was time for lunch. I was still very scared of Katsuki so I just stood very close to Izuku. We got in line and never let go of his shirt. I got myself some ramen without spice which was nice considering i was never allowed to order for myself when i was with kats. Me and izuku made our way to sit and sat with his group. I looked back at the baku squad to see if kats was still glaring at me thankfully he wasnt but i saw that they put katsuki in some kind of time was a relief to see my friends trying to help in their own little way. I turned back around and began to eat my ramen.

During lunch, everyone was awkwardly silent and seemed to still be afraid to hurt my feelings. Thankfully Iida spoke up.

"Alta, we are always here if you need anything," he said.

His remark had a very calming effect on me and it was nice. I gave him a smile and nodded my head acknowledging his kind offer. Seeing me smile made izu less tense which in turn made me even more at ease. We all sat finally having conversation after iidas ice breaker.

"So what was up with the teachers today?" ochako asked

" yeah, it was kind of chill today. Kind of nice to have a break from the grueling work and training." shoto chimed in.

"Everyone lets be grateful that we got a break, but lets not forget to keep up the hard work to stay ahead." iida said.

I giggled at his response, always so serious. We finished eating and sat and talked for a while. soon

I decided I needed to use the restroom.

"Excuse me guys i need to go do something real quick."i said getting up.

Izuku got up as well and leaned to whisper in my ear. "Im coming with you."

I turned to whisper back "sure but do you really want to go to the restroom with me." i replied.

His face blew up red and he sat back down. As i expected. I proceed to go down the hall alone.

On my way to the restroom, Katsuki stopped me in the hallway. I didn't even know he was following me. He pinned me up against the wall which was rather painful because my head hit the wall. I was also frightened i was alone with my abuser and no one knew he was following me im more than sure. I tried to push away but he would just push me back. My quirk wouldnt activate due to my panicked state so i was stuck there.

"You are mine, not his got it? Stop being around your little puppy for protection. You can't run or hide from me. I OWN YOU!" he said his voice was laced with anger.

I winced at his statement. He was very mad and I wanted him off of me. I picked the worse time to say what i did.

"We are done katsuki. I am done with the cheating and i'm done with the abuse.'' I said very hesitantly.

At that moment I could see the rage in his eyes. He slapped me so hard I fell to the ground. He repeatedly began to punch and kick me while I was down, not giving me the chance to get back up. I covered my face and head with my arms and curled up into a ball to try to protect my body from his blows.he kicked and punched every part of my body, I screamed for help. At that moment Katsuki picked me up by my neck, lifted me into the air, and activated his quirk slowly which in turn began burning me. The pain was immense i could smell my one skin burning, I squealed in pain and clawed his hands with all my strength. It seemed like forever when it was only mere seconds. He pulled me close to his face still burning me.

"YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME YOU'RE MINE!" Katsuki yelled.

I was fading in and out of consciousness. He tightened his grip and i couldnt breathe. That's when I heard Izu screaming


Katsuki released his death grip on my throat and let me fall to the floor. I gasped for air. My pain level grew when the air touched my wound or when i moved. I began to fade again from the pain and soon blacked out.


I blushed mad red i cant believe she said that so nonchalant. I just sat back down with my head in my hands. I couldnt speak or look at the others even as they are asking me what happened.

"Earth to midoriya. Hey are you okay. Ugh i guess this calls for drastic measures." ochako said and she hit the back of my head. I snapped out of my embarrassment.

"Oh sorry guys" i said rubbing the back of my head. We soon settled and continued our regular banter.

"Gosh its taking alta a while i hope she is okay." ochako stated.

"Lets go check and see if shes okay maybe we will bump into her on the way to find her" iida suggested.

We all got up and made our way to the entrance of the cafeteria. Before we even reached the doors i heard a scream for help. The whole cafeteria halted and was dead silent we all listened. Soon i heard kachaan yelling.

"Its alta shes in trouble." i stated to the group.

We all sprinted to where the noise was coming from. We approached the source and the scene was horrific. The smell of burning flesh and blood lingering in the air. Kachaan was hurting alta. I screamed at him.


I readied my quirk as i approached a crowd of people now gathering nearby. He let her go and just let her fall the gasp she sucked in was horrifying like she couldnt breath for a long period of time. I saw her bare flesh exposed to the air. Alta opened her mouth as if to scream but nothing came out she looked like she was going to faint and i was correct soon she fainted and kachaan walked away i ran to her side.


Some people sprinted to go retrieve her. I just stood there holdingonto alta. My thoughts grew drak i started to blame myself for her getting hurt. I should have just gone with her. How could i be so stupid and helpless! I couldnt protect her even though i promised. I held onto her gently afraid to touch her wounds. Soon momo kneeled beside us and starting making bandages and gauze to cover her open wound to prevent infection.i began to cry she looked to frail. My friends came up behind me and comforted and reassured me. Soon recovery girl came and hauled off altas unconscious body. I watched helplessly as they left. I decided to go see her when is was the end of the school day and went to class.

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