part 14

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I watched as everyone trained sitting on a bench I made with my quirk. I soon felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and found that recovery girl was behind me.

"Hello dear. Ready for your first check up?" she asked.

I gulped hard.I knew what the check up was for and I was so nervous. This check up would make this all real. I still wished this was just a bad dream that I would hopefully wake up from, but no matter how many times or how hard I pinched myself, I never woke up.

I snapped out of my thoughts and heaved a heavy sigh.

"Yeah, let's go." I answered as I got up I straightened out my skirt and gave recovery girl a small smile.

"Do you want the young father to join?" she asked

I looked back at izuku training. I sighed and told her no. I just wanted to do this alone. Recovery girl respected my wishes and took my hand. Recovery girl led the way to her office and the entire walk there my heart was pounding. I wanted to curl up under a rock and hope that someone would wake me from this dream. We made it to her office in no time. She opened the door and led me to a different room in the back so we had privacy. There was a lot of equipment, specifically an ultrasound machine. My heart started to beat so fast I thought it would explode. She had me lay down on the cot as she drew blood and did a normal examination. She went ahead and did a transvaginal ultrasound. She showed me the little blip that was on the screen, still too small to see features or a heart beat but he or she was there. I began to silently cry. Was I really ready to raise this child alone? I wiped away the tears and sat up. I gave recovery girl my full attention.

"Everything looks normal and here is a little souvenir to take with you." recovery girl said, handing me a picture of the little blip.

I was hesitant to take it but took it to show izuku later. Hopefully he won't freak out that I did this alone. I'll probably just tell him a white lie. I folded the pictures and put them in my pocket making sure they were secure so they didn't fall out. I made my way back to the training grounds slowly. I was conflicted i knew this child needed to have a father figure but izukus career is only starting. I mean aizawa and Shinsou and mic would be great father figures. Maybe that'll be enough. What would i tell my child if they ever had questions when would be a good time to explain to this child who its father is and why i did what i did? Thousands of questions racked through my brain most with a simple answer others i had yet to find an answer for. I eventually made it back as they were wrapping up their training. I sat down on the bench i made and waited. I started to talk to the baby in my mind which eases my anxiety a little. I was soon snapped from my thoughts by aizawa putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Hey kid, how did it go?" he asked.

"It went well. The baby is still so small but on track and perfectly fine as far as recovery girl could tell." i answered

"Well I guess that's good to hear. the problem child was worried about you ya know. he couldn't focus on training at all.'' Aizawa stated.

"oh. I'm sorry if I caused any issue. I just wanted to go alone." I say looking at my feet.

"it's fine he just needs to pull his head out and start worrying about himself." he said with a chuckle. "come on lets get back to class." he lent me a hand to help me up and we walked back to class.


I spent most of the time laying my head on the desk trying not to fall asleep. I felt so exhausted, I really hated that this was a symptom of pregnancy. Everyone keeps asking me if I'm okay or what's wrong and I give them all the same lie 'it's because of my quirk malfunction'.

I couldn't eat lunch because my morning sickness was so bad. Izuku guarded me a lot of the time which got my peers curious if we were an item. It was all too much . I did therapy through a video chat and in a private conference room and it seemed to help resolve some of my internal conflicts.

I told izu to meet me on the rooftop after school and he agreed to show up. I actually beat him to the top, now I was just sitting waiting for him to show up. I looked up at the sky and rehearsed what I was gonna say to him. I wondered what my future would look like. I snapped out of my trance when I heard the doors creak open behind me. I turned to see who it was and it was izuku. I smiled nervously at him which he seemed to pick up on very quickly.

"What's up alta? " he asked with concern written all over his face.

"Well i thought to show you this."i replied presenting him with the ultrasound photo with both hands. He smiled but then quickly frowned which in turn made my anxiety skyrocket.

"When did you get an ultrasound done?" he asked with a frown on his face.

I looked up at him and his expression made me break out in a cold sweat. I rehearsed my excuse one more time in my head and took a deep breath to calm my nerves.

"Today during training. Sorry I couldn't take anyone with me or else I would've asked you to come." I lied giving a convincing smile.

Izuku just sighed and went back to examining the photo. He caressed the photo with his thumb as if the baby could feel his touch which made me frown. I can't ruin his life but I haven't made up my mind on what to do. I really need to make up a plan before izuku commits to ruining his career.

"Hey izuku, I need to go. I'm not feeling all too great "I said rubbing my stomach to sell the lie.

"Oh okay do you want this back?" he asks pointing at the ultrasound photo.

I shook my head and smiled "you keep it. I'll get more later on.'' I said feeling a pang in my heart knowing that's the last time he will probably see our child.

"do you need me to walk you down or help in any way?" he asked

I told him no, that I could walk myself down when the wave nausea subsides. I gave him a quick smile to reassure him once more.

He smiled back, turned and left. After he left I crumbled to the ground and began to cry. I knew what I had to do. I had to lie to Izuku about losing the pregnancy. It was an extreme measure I was willing to take to ensure his career and keep my pregnancy to myself for the safety of this child. I wiped my tears and began to walk to the teachers lounge from the rooftop. I needed to make a plan with aizawa.

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