Part 12

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I ran as fast as i could and hid in a small closet and continued to cry as silent as i could. I could hear footsteps run past the closet once and someone calling my name, it was izuku. I waited for his footsteps to sound distant and once i was sure no one was outside i exited the closet and walked around the school. I cried silently and occasionally stopped to catch my sobs before they were vocalized. I didn't realize how long I spent wandering the halls but when I looked out the window it was already dusk. I stood looking out he window for a little while but decided to keep wondering the halls. I didn't want to go home and I didn't want to face my parents. This would be a massive mistake in their eyes and I don't know what consequences I would face. While in my thoughts i ended up crossing paths with aizawa and mic who were headed home i assume. Aizawa runs up to me with this look of concern.

"Alta what happened? I've been worried sick about you. All the problem child said was that you ran off crying after recovery girls office. '' he said while grabbing my shoulders.

Mic came up from behind him with the same look i looked away,choking back sobs. I didn't know how to tell either of them. Would they be disappointed or angry? I wanted to keep this baby but that meant I couldn't graduate the hero course because of my fragile state. tears silently streamed down my face and aizawa caught them and wiped them away. His face softened.

"Please alta, all of my students are like my children. I am genuinely concerned for you." aizawa stated.

I looked at him trying not to break out into sobs.

"I'm pregnant and I don't know what to do." I said letting the sobs roll out of my throat.

I put my face into my hands and continued to sob, I couldn't look him in the eye. I was afraid.. I ended up collapsing to my knees and aizawa tried to catch me to ease the fall. He got on his knees, hugged me tightly, and tried to comfort me. It was actually kinda nice. I sobbed into his shoulder soaking his shirt with tears and snot. I pet my hair and rubbed my back telling me to let it all out. I obliged and I'm pretty sure I sounded like a dying animal. Soon the sobs came to a stop and aizawa pulled away to look me in the eye.

"Listen I don't know how your parents are but if they reject you because of this ordeal you can live with me and we don't have to tell anyone anything. We will keep this a secret as long as possible. If that's what you want, I will support you no matter what" he said in a soft tone. Mic squatted next to aizawa and gave me a reassuring look.

Aizawas' statement made me stop crying completely. I hugged him for dear life cuz I was afraid to go home. Mic joined in the hug and hummed a soft toon. I loved this feeling of being comforted and loved even when I made a mistake. Once our hugging session ended I decided to ask a favor.

"Aizawa sir, could you accompany me to my house so I don't have to be alone when I tell my parents? Please sir?" i begged. My parents scared me i was so afraid of their reaction to the pregnancy. Im sure they would disown me for this mistake.

He just patted my head and agreed. He and mic got up and helped me to my feet. Mic offered me his arm and I took it and we walked to the car. Aizawa opened the door to the back and mic helped me in. I crawled in and buckled up, already dreading the ride home.


We walked into my home and greeted my parents. The look on their face read of concern but I knew once they found out what really was going on that would change. Aizawa insisted we sit on the couch and have a conversation. They obliged and we made our way to the living area. It felt like there was lead in my shoes. I really didn't want to tell them. My palms were sweating and my heart was racing. We sat on the couch and they gave me their full attention.i sighed and I told them the whole story about how we had a small party at our place and got drunk and did unthinkable things under their roof. They had shock written all over their faces but also another emotion and that would be anger. Aizawa also gave me his undivided attention but I could also tell he was shocked that one of his students would be capable of all the things i did in one night. Once I was finished my dad shot up from his seat fuming.

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