grabba & coke

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Tom walked over me and held my head up making eye contact with me."Next time you touch something that isn't yours, ill cut your hands off." he warned me. "cut them off." I mouthed keeping the eye contact with him. "Are you challenging me?" he asked, "if that's what you think"

"Anyways, pack your bags. We're going to South America." He let go off me, I looked over at stassie who just stared at me.. "we don't have a passport."

"That doesn't matter princess." bill replied to me. "we aren't going somewhere illegally." Stassie said, she finally stood up for herself. "Then we will all just simply drug you." he threatened. " we leave tomorrow morning, so hurry up." everyone left the kitchen except for tom and me. "I hope you don't think Giovanni actually wants to be with you" he smirked, putting a cigarette in his mouth. "Stop talking to me." he looked at me, and put his cigarette out on my arm. I let out a scream and held my hand, "you're fucking dead." i sprinted upstairs and ran inside his room, i laid on his bed and put the covers over my head. I wish i could send a message to my brother, he'll finish him off.

  He shook me trying to get my attention and i ignored him, he removed the covers from my head. He just stared at me, dont saying anything. "you'll pay for this, im telling my brother " i let out. He started laughing, "ask him how your father died." a puzzled look on my face "what the hell are you talking about?"
"just pack.. whatever you want.. since you dont have clothes here." He chuckled, what a asshole. "no. what do you mean how did my dad die?"
" thats something you'll find out later."
I gave him the most piercing look ever.

   i get waken up by stassie, it was like 6am before sunrise "stass its so early.."
"Get up!! everyone is downstairs about to go to the airport!!" she was so hyperactive sometimes especially in the morning. I get up, get in the shower and put some clothes on. " Can i braid your hair?" she asked me, i sighed and turned around so she could braid my hair.
"Are you mad at bella?" she started dividing my hair
" of course, she's so weird. i try helping but its useless and i get mistreated in return. "
"i appreciate you, " i interrupted her,
"no you dont, you want to be here abused by these guys like the other two. I want to go home."
"it gets better."
i changed the topic, "anyways, how are you and bill?"
" he fucked me last night" she said with a big smile, i gasped.
" how was it?"
" he was huge.. i bled a bit, and i never did before so.."
My eyebrows raised and my jaw dropped, "Oh my god he must've ripped something."
" yea.. im a bit worried." she took another piece of my hair and braided it, leaving me with my hair down, two braids in front of my face.
"i'd be scared to if i bled." i added.
"no im not on birth control, i dont wanna end up pregnant. At least not now." She expressed in a worried tone.

  "Have you told him?" i asked, facing her.
" yea, he told me he wouldn't mind a little bill running around." i let out a soft smile. "Have you and tom fucked yet?" She laughed giving me a side eye. "Hell no, im not letting him be my first...."
"yeah.. Giovanni's probably more fun." she joked, i smiled wide. 
I went in for a hug and she hugged me back.
"I love you stass."
"I love you more bri."

   We headed downstairs meeting the rest. Stassie went over to bill and kissed him. Bella and gustav were together, and she gave me a weird look. "Want a rice cake?" kim offered, i shook my head yes and started eating it. " so how are we going to a different if we dont have our passports.." i questioned
"Dont worry about it, just sit in the jet and relax" georg said. Everyone was so fucking rude sometimes in this house i couldnt stand them. I rolled my eyes, "Start the cars up," tom ordered georg.
   Everyone got in their cars, i wanted to go with bill and stass. But tom grabbed my wrist and squeezed it and basically forced me into the car. After a long quiet awkward car ride, we finally arrived at JFK.

   We got to the back of the airport where all airplanes where in. A big black jet rolled in, "Tokio hotel " was written on the wings..
we got inside the jet, and shortly departed.
i didnt ask any questions, i didnt care.. and to be honest.. I always wanted to run away to a different country. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

   When i woke up, we were in brazil. Soon as we got out the plane the heat hit us, "wow its so hot here.." bella softly said. "Well thats because we're in south america." gustav snapped at her. I didnt like people being rude to my friends, but she wasnt my friend and she decided to switch up for no good reason.
   We got to this big white house in also the middle of nowhere, we unloaded our bags inside and in the backyard there was a pool. "Oh my god we have to go swimming!!" stassie said excitingly. I gave her a smile and shook my head yes.
"We have to go explore!" i said to her.
"You guys aren't going anywhere unless its with us." tom said while cracking his knuckles.
i blew a raspberry at him, "you're no fun" i said jokingly, i expected him to hit me for that but he laughed instead. "You're cute sometimes." He said to me, "Oh wow, is tom falling for me?" i joked.
    "Dont even say that, you'll start believing it" he said with a straight face on, i took that as a warning and rolled my eyes. He actually wasnt fun.
   "Lets have a couple of drinks! " Stassie handed me some shots and we both chugged it. "Are you guys pregaming without us??" Gustav laughed, they all came and started taking shots with us.
  "Are we going somewhere tonight?" Bella asked
"We have to handle something first, and we wont leave you guys here alone you'll come with us and then afterwards we can find a street party or something." Georg said. Tom rolled up a blunt "I have to be high for whatever the fuck is gonna happen tonight.." He lit the blunt up.
"Why are we even here?" Stassie asked bill, "To handle business like he said." bill snapped at her.
"Hush." She said to him, he just gave her a long piercing stare and just ended up laughing. I was confused, why are they all acting so nice..  i enjoyed it. I loved moments where we all get along.
My anxiety started acting up.
   What if they came to brazil to kill us and it'll be easier to get away with it?? i started staring into the wall spacing out, all of a sudden i felt a tap on my shoulder.

    "Here take a hit" Bella said to me, she handed me over the blunt they've been sharing. I took some hits and noticed how quick it was hitting. "What's in here?" i said as i took one last hit,
   "Its laced with grabba, and coke." Tom said.
My eyes widened, what the actual fuck.. a few minutes passed and everything felt like it was going so fast yet so slow.. i could hear my heart pounding and i felt my blood flowing through my body. I felt so paranoid, stassie kept talking to me, but i couldnt focus on what she was saying.
  I just stared at her, my eyes started to feel heavy.

PSA: important or maybe not idk
Hey guys! if you dont know what grabba is, its basically tobacco. You add it into a blunt or joint or whatever you're smoking weed in to make it hit harder. Not alot of people use it, but where i live they do.

Im also thinking about making a chapter where i just show pictures of how the girls look like/ their aesthetics so it can help put in perspective.

Also, idk if i want to change briannas name and height.. i dont want her name to be almost the same as mine but i also dont want to change her name because its too much to change up. I doubt i'll change it, but if i do will yall b mad?? LOL

Im also struggling so much with insomnia, im trying to get better but i cant loll. This affects my writing alot because during the day (its when i usually write) i feel extremely tired, and then at night (when i usually finish/publish the chapters) i feel like i dont make much sense so im sorry if it gets confusing.

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