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She walked in smiling, we made eye contact for a bit and her smile dropped. I dont really care about who tom fucks or hangs with but i do worry a bit when its someone whose phone i basically stole to call the cops.

Stassie puts on the movie and the girl comes over and sits next to me.. "Hey, how are you?" She says smirking. I gave her a side eye, ignoring her completely. Tom sits next to her, and bill brings up snacks and some shots.

Tom and her are obviously making out, i never felt more uncomfortable in my life. "What a bitch.." stassie whispered to me. "I know.. " i whispered back to her.

The movie ended and it had alot of gore, it made my stomach hurt. "Imagine doing that to someone.. how good it'll feel." Tom said, what a freak. I gave him a side eye while his waitress laughed at his comment twirling her hair. "Lets go to bed tom" the waitress said holding his hands and heading up the stairs.

"She must've been here before. " bella tried to start a conversation with me, i just looked at her.

"You cant be mad still... are you?" She asked me

"Dude you literally told on me and for what.. " i replied

"I did it because you annoyed me, we're living here better than we did before.. plus i got nervous."

" I cant believe you're being serious right now." Stassie came to my defense.

"What? Everyone knows we're better here than anywhere else."

They started arguing and i zoned out, staring at georg and kim playing with each others hair. He wasnt as bad as everyone else.. but he wasnt innocent neither.


"Hey detsl, i was wondering when does your plane gets here? I can send some guys out for you." Detsl was one of my old friends, he used to be friends with Tom and he helped me with some information. He had dreads, tall, and russian.

"Nah its okay, i got a few cars coming in already." He responded back, we were meeting up at my house to discuss somethings.. and to see if he could fly to the USA and find some information on my sister and mom. It was too risky for me to go anywhere considering how bad my dad fucked my chance at having a normal life up.

Detsl finally came to my house, with four girls. I had some suspicion that he had something to do with the death of my father, but that's been my friend for a while, and I doubt he'll do that to me. But I doubt it, I don't trust anyone.

"Im going to New York, Manhattan actually and I can check on your mom and sister. " detsl said as he lit up a cigarette

"Yeah that's exactly what i want.. i wanna know why she stopped responding. My fear is tom hurting them." I responded

"He knows about angel and your mom?"

"Giovanni didnt really give much information so make sure you find out why, but he did mention tom and my sister in the same sentence.. " my heart felt heavy, if he got to them before i did i swear i will fucking kill him in a instant.

"Why havent you killed tom yet.. you have all the resources too." Detsl asked, with a smirk.

"It'll be too easy, plus i dont really know where he stays at. He moves every 5 seconds." I replied, handing him a cup of red wine.

" what are you exactly planning?" He questioned me.

I looked up to him, "If im being honest with you.. i have no idea."

He laughed, blowing out his cigarette and shook his head. "Well dont fuck it up then.. whatever it is you're planning."

It was quiet for a while, one of the girls he brought over sat next to me and played with my hair. "Do you have a bathroom?" She asked with a smirk, rubbing my pants.

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