Elvira's Truth.

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Seeing tom hit the floor was very scary, I never saw someone get so weak before. Especially someone like him, but I guess what matters is his brother. I was so confused as to why he acted like this, why he was so worried and how a 6'1 man just got shitfaced. I started wondering if he got laced by the bartender.. i dont trust anyone here.

Gustav and georg managed to get him to the bathroom, i started worrying about stassie and where she was I haven't seen her for like 30 minutes? I don't know. I start looking around the club, trying to spot her. I start walking away from the girls to look around for bill and stass, I was drunk but still aware of my surroundings all the flashing lights giving me a slight headache. I tapped a girls shoulder, thinking it was her. She had a bouncy blonde Blowout, black dress and pumps. The girl gave me a dirty look and said something to me in Russian, god they were probably sisters. I rolled my eyes and continued walking as the music blasted, I accidentally bumped into a tall man, with dreads almost covering his face, he had a nice smile.

"Sorry. I am looking for my friend and I been bumping into people I am sorr-" I get interrupted by seeing geo next to him, both of them smiling at me. I smile back, "oh my gosh! geo!! what are you doing here??" I was honestly happy seeing someone that brought me so much comfort. But he didnt seem that amused to see me once I spoke.

"Oh hey angel. How have you been?" He came closer, his friend looking at me.

"Hey angel." The guy next to geo said to me, it honestly sent shivers down my spine it was like a low sinister voice he had.

I gave him a awkward slight smile, he just kept staring right into my soul making me forget what i was saying.

"Um.. anyway i been good.. how about you?" I look back at geo who was now looking around concerning me. I raised an eyebrow.

"I was checking to see if tom was around, i dont want a fight i want to enjoy myself. But i been good." Geo gave a sarcastic smile, i dont know what exactly was the problem with him and tom but it was concerning i didnt want to be in the middle of it.  "I see he got you good." He looked at my small bullet wound that was slowly healing, i almost forgot it was there. "Jesus.. i forgot about that." I smiled awkwardly, the guy with dreads stared right into my soul it was almost as if he knew me or something.

"Do you want me to kill him?" the guy with dreads asked, I stared at him for a second letting out a soft "what?" he giggled, "Im just playing with you. Im detsl, and you?"

Geo looked at him, smiling. I had a weird feeling, "my name is bri.. I have to go but geo I hope to see you again." I saw tom getting out the bathroom so I knew better and ran over to him. "Are you okay? I didnt find bill or stass." I wrapped my hands on his arms feeling his muscles. "Im fine." he gave a dry response. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Gustav and Georg, "Wait is that stass?" we all look over, and see her dancing on a pole and she was obviously on something. "Fuck." I had a mini panic attack and walked over to her as people cheered her on. "stass its me bri, come down now." I yelled.

"Nooo im having fun" she replied, god I hate whoever gave her drugs.. she was doing so good. I feel like I always have to watch her because of how vulnerable she is. But I bet bill had something to do with it, wherever he is. "No come down NOW!" I raised my voice, startling her a bit. She finally came down, grabbed the bills people threw her and stuck her tongue out at the crowd.

"geez.. you're a party pooper." I had no idea what she used now, but I was worried. I sat her down, Bella and Kim sat next to her comforting her. "Where is bill?" I asked stass, she couldnt even look at me straight. "he is.. um..he.. he is buying drugs." I felt angry and disgusted seeing her like this and it was all his fault. I grabbed toms arm and dragged him outside "Your fucking brother is giving my friends drugs I will call the cops and have you both fucking arrested." I yelled at him, he laughed. "Oh really?" he teased. Bill came walking down the street, almost sprinting. "hey, I was buying some coke you wanna try?" he asked tom, I push bill "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU COKEHEAD?? YOU FUCKING MADE MY FRIEND RELAPSE ONCE AGAIN. I WILL GET YOU ARRESTED!" I yelled at bill, making sure tom saw how angry I was, I felt stupid being angry at him.. he didnt really do anything. And it was her choice, I should be yelling at her.

"If you really wanted to, you would've ran away a longggg time ago." Tom replied to me, smirking. "Yea.. you had a few chances. Like how you called the cops in Brazil.. that was a stupid thing. We should've made you disappear like how we made them disappear." Bill was giving me a evil sinister look. "Why didnt you run away princess?" tom asked me softly, sending shivers down my spine.

"If you are so strong, and independent and a badass.. why are you still here?" Tom kept getting closer to me causing me to back into a wall. I felt tears coming in, but it wasn't because I was scared or sad but because I was fed up.. no, because he was right. As fucked up as it sounds, I didnt want to run away from him. "You cant speak to me like that." my voice cracked causing him to laugh, "Jesus you're so fucking pathetic. You're a stupid weak little girl. You will always be a weak little girl. Grow up. You think you're so.. bad but you aren't. You should be lucky Im the one that picked you up and gave you and your stupid friends a nice house to live in." He leaned towards me, I felt my heart shattered.

"does hurting me make you feel good??" I cried, he took one step back.

"I just want my life back. please." I slid down the wall, and cried as I felt them both stare at me. I felt embarrassed, and humiliated.


I honestly felt terrible about what I said, but she deserved it. She is 18 and still stupid. In a way, I feel like im protecting her. I am not afraid to hurt her feelings, she turns out to be okay 2 seconds later and she starts being a bitch again.. which is what I love. I love how feisty she is, how sensitive she is. Maybe I am a asshole, but I did mean that question I never understood why she didnt leave.. why she stayed.

"SHUT UP YOU STUPID CUNT" I heard Gustav yelling, all of them got kicked out.. including Detsl and Geo. I felt my blood boiling. "what the fuck happened??" I asked Georg and Gustav, looking at their girls faces and stassie running to bills arms. "They started arguing" Bella responded, detsl and geo were quiet.. way too quiet. "We're going home." Georg said, I nodded "take bri, I don't care if she cries, stomps, screams, scratches, just take her home and don't let her leave." I demanded them, me and bill stayed behind to "chat" while they went to the cars.

"Long time no see, how have you been detsl?" I smile, lighting up a cigarette. He turned around, already smiling like the dick he is. And so did geo, "May I ask you a question geo?" I looked at him.

"No. You may not." He slightly lifted his shirt up, showing he had his gun. I looked at bill smiling, we both lifted ours up showing we had the same energy. "What the hell do you want." I ask him, clutching.

"I was tryin to enjoy the night, since detsl came from Russia I thought why not Hang with him?" his smartass remarks.

"Why are you here detsl?" I looked over at him, as he smiled at me. I could kill him right now.

"Im enjoying the city, maybe end up killing you and your brother." His Russian accent pissed me off, especially with that sentence.

"and maybe.. end up fucking and impregnating your little bitch." he laughed, I grabbed him by his shirt collar and pushed him against the wall, "I will fucking kill you." I heard geo loading his gun, followed by bill.

"relax, it was a maybe." he joked, I let go off him and point my gun at his temple. I looked over at geo, "Don't even think about going near her again, it will be a war." I look over at bill, who is in the same state I was a few minutes ago.. he could barely stand.

"You know what tom, this is honestly fun. Lets do this another time." Detsl smiled, looking at bill.

I almost pulled the trigger, but in the corner of my eye.. I see Elvira. That dumb bitch probably told them stuff. She ran over, in their defense.

"Tom you cant keep doing this.. you and your stupid gang need to get humbled." she tried lecturing me, I just smiled.

"You get tossed around, your words are meaningless. Go take care of Gustav's kid." I teased her, knowing it will hurt her.

"It wasn't Gustav's... it's your son." her voiced cracked, Bill quickly sobered up. Detsl and geo jaws were on the floor, and my heart sank.

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