Kill Bill.

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Tom comes downstairs "Hey, did you guys make coffee?" his voice sent chills down my spine. But in a good way.. It scared me but at the same time calmed me down. He looks at me softly almost as if he was still tired. "Yeah, do you want it black?" bill asked him,tom nodding yes it almost amazed me they were brothers.. no it amazed me they were twins yet they were so different. Bill was much more calm even tho I can tell they were both not good people but i still wonder how they turned out this way.. what triggered them.

"Is everyone ready to go? I cant wait to land back in new york i miss the clubs." Kimberly took a sip of whatever she was drinking.

"We had a good time in brazil too though, there was alot of clubs we didnt go to because of our short visit." Georg replied to her.

"Did you ever find out anything else about detsl?" bill asked tom, I had no idea who this detsl guy was, all I know was that they were worried about him.

"ill talk to you about it later, lets head to the airport." tom responded. I am quite excited to meet this detsl guy, I wonder how he looks like.


"yeah, we found her body." geo was on the phone talking to who I assumed was Enzo. We found his mothers lifeless body, just dead. No wonder it smelled like rotten meat.

"well what do we do with the body?" I ask geo as he got off the phone and lit up a cigarette.

"Grab a coffee." geo replied, I chuckled and headed outside with him. "well who do you think did this?" he asked, I was going to ask him the same thing. "well.. it was obviously tom I think. Or the daughter, there was no trace of her."

"I told Enzo, he is sending a team down here to recover her body. " geo responded

"have you met the girl?" I asked geo

"yeah, she's gullible. But so hot, I could barely resist myself. she worked at a club, as a stripper and the way she danced.. god." geo started cheesing, I found it corny how he could talk about someone like that.

"where even is she though." I asked.

"tom, he kidnapped her. But don't tell Enzo. I want to tell him." geo replied, it was honestly crazy what he was admitting to me right now. he knew Enzos sister got kidnapped by tom, his rival. I didn't think geo was messy, but I guess I underestimated him.

We went to a local coffee shop, and headed out. "What does Lorenzo want to do exactly with tom??" I asked curiously, "well he wants to kill him.. I think tom knows though. He has a whole plan I think but I honestly don't have any idea. I was sent to protect his sister and keep a eye out on her but it was too late. I cant take tom and his team alone." geo took a sip of his black coffee.

"Oh. How about we go partying? We have to enjoy the city before chaos comes." I pointed to the skyscrapers, I haven't been in New York in a long time and it amazes me every single time.

"Yeah you're right." geo replied.

TOMS pov

honestly, I have been nice to bri because I want to enjoy my days with her. I know she will end up dying.. not by me. but her brother, I wouldn't take betrayal from my sibling neither. She is so naive though, I couldnt tell if she was actually this fragile and soft or if it was all a act. She is a mafia leaders daughter so I bet you the trait is somewhere around there. We finally arrived back at our house in New York.

"ahhhh, home sweet home." stassie said getting out of bills car. We all head inside, sitting down at the couch. "I'm feeling a bit tired, but for some reason.. I think we need a welcome back home clubbing night." bill smiling, looking at me. I didn't feel like going out, but I know bri wouldn't stay with me alone and I have to be extra careful with her and not let her get nearby detsl.

"yeah we should go." Gustav muttered. I could tell they were all tired, but that's what I like about my friends they party whenever.

I looked over at bri, admiring how her hair fell so easily. I played with my lip piercing, staring at her Goldilocks lips.. how I wish I could just kiss her but I have to control myself she has to want me first. I have to have power over her, and I do.. I know I do. She was quiet, didn't say anything and just looked at the ground. "what're you thinking about angel?" I asked, she glanced at me for a second. "I just wonder what my mom is doing." God, poor thing. I vow to never tell her this might destroy her. I looked over at bill who was already looking at me, "You will see her. I promise princess."

"don't call me that." She said, I loved when she was feisty.

"Ok well, we will go get ready." her best friend stassie said.

Everyone finished up getting ready, I downed like 2 cups of coffee trying to stay awake only thing running through my mind was detsl and what the fuck he was doing here and who he was working with I don't trust him he switches up alot for his own good.

"Yo are you good?" Bill asked while heading over to sit next to me.

I chugged from a vodka bottle, "pregaming." I replied back to bill. He gave me a concerned look, "its okay, i doubt he's around us.. if he is we'll kill him." He reassured me, or at least tried to. I didnt want him dead, i just wanted him to suffer just like everyone else did. I wanted him begging for my forgiveness. He tried to kill bill before he disappeared, I thought he was dead somewhere in Russia but I guess I was wrong. Just thinking about it made my blood boil, maybe I will kill him.  

We all finally left, we arrived at a club not far from where we live. Quickly the group separated, bri went with her friends of course and bill went with stassie Georg stayed sitting at our vip spot and Gustav was with me at the bar. "you look fucking tired." Gustav looks at me smirking, "We just got back from Brazil, im jet lagged." I joked, he passed me vodka with cranberry. "Chill on the drinking though, I know how much you love vodka." he hinted at the time we got so drunk when we were 14 in Europe just running around carefree and I would steal vodka for us.

Me and Gustav walked back to where Georg was at, we sat down and talked for a bit I handed Gustav and Georg some Molly and we all took it with alcohol, just like old times. I started feeling relaxed. All of a sudden, I notice dreads. Of course its this motherfucker. I looked at Gustav who was still telling a story about when we were all young I hinted at the both of them to look at who was next to detsl. 

"Holy fuck. is that geo and detsl?" Georg whispered. "yeah." I replied back, I stood up "We need to get bill and get out of here." I looked over and I see them with a familiar girl.. cherry. "Gustav get your bitch.. im sick of her showing up trying to warn bri. Ill fucking kill her." I looked straight into his eyes, she was a problem however she was the mother of his child. dead or alive. 

I make sure he doesn't see me, Gustav and Georg behind me. I look all over for the girls and bill. 

"fuck.. where are they?" I murmured, the club was full of people.. too many people. Drunk girls, strippers, men trying to kidnap those girls. I realized I was one of them, kidnapping them and I am slowly making her mine. I cant lie anymore, I am turning soft for her. I finally see her, I can recognize those heels, shiny clothes, red nails, red lips, and her scent anywhere. 

"oh hey-" I shut her up quickly grabbing her wrist as Gustav and Georg do the same with their girls.

"GET OFF OF ME WHT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING-" she starts yelling, I quickly looked back at shushing her and slightly pressing her against the wall. "Where the fuck is stassie and bill?" I asked her, she looked terrified and embarrassed I loved having control over her. I figured I could play with her. 

"I don't fucking know.. probably fucking somewhere. Now get off of me." I let go off her wrists, and I look at Kim and Bella. They shake their heads signaling they don't know where they are. "fuck." I said under my breath. They all looked at me concerned, Gustav and Georg looking around. I felt nauseous, they were talking to me but I couldnt hear them.. I started walking trying to find bill and stassie. The lights were honestly causing me to feel even more sick, everyone was moving in slow motion and they were all muffled.. What was in those pills.

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