One of the girls

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   We arrived in what im guessing was upstate New York, there was multiple trees around. We all get out of the car, and I see Gustav and Georg they looked angry. Five black SUVs pull up, a mysterious group with large weapons in their hands gets out i look up at tom then looked at the group.

"What should we do for you sir." One of the men said, it was weird hearing them call tom sir.. i guess they were there before us.

"Just need you guys back on the properties, make sure all the sales are doing well. Send a group to italy, France, brazil, mexico, and egypt. " he said as he grabbed a cigarette from the box he had in his pocket, i was starting to hate the smell. All of this talk made me worried, i knew absolutely nothing about these men.

"No problem, i heard detsl is back in town. Do you want us to do anything?" Another one of the men asked him. Detsl must've been the guy with dreads that geo was with. I would take the both of them, as trampy as that sounds lord forgive me.

I cant believe this was the "important" thing they had to do, this could have been a call.. or email.
I rolled my eyes annoyed, I glanced over at the girls and they were zoning out. I wanted to go to college for psychology, i knew a bit of it and i know zoning out is a trauma response. It makes me sad i couldn't be there for them, or did something more to help.

They continued to talk, it was very windy. It was starting to get cold again, extremely cold. I walked over to stassie, she had her arms crossed. "Im scared bri." She whispers, i raised an eyebrow.. "there is nothing to be scared about." I reassured her, i will take her with me.

"Lets runaway.. please. Forget them all, lets get out." I murmured looking back making sure nobody was listening.. even though it felt like we had more eyes and ears so this was even more tough.

"How? We cant escape now.. it is difficult." She whispered back, staring at me with her icy blue eyes.

"When we go to parties, they leave us.. it will be easy. Lets go out tonight." I looked back at her making eye contact.

"Hmm.. you're right. But how will we go?"

"I might know someone that can help." I raised both of my eyebrows hoping she got what i was saying, "your brother?" She asked, thats when it hit me. He mentioned italy, we leave today and go to italy.

I smiled at her, i noticed the group getting in the SUVs all of a sudden getting yanked by tom to his car as the others followed. All of the cars left, but he stayed there staring at me. I looked at him through the corners of my eye, "yes?" I raised an eyebrow.

He gulped, honestly seeing him quiet scared me. I dont know who he is. "Tom who are you." I whisper.

"Tom Kaulitz." He replied, i avoid making eye contact with him he knew what i was asking.

He lefts out a sigh, and starts driving. "I never showed you the music we make. Its a fun past time hobby." He started playing one of their songs called pain of love, he was the one playing the guitar and if im being honest it impressed me. I never would've thought someone like this would've played guitar. But i didnt let him see i was excited or liked it. I just stayed numb, and looked down at my legs.

I kept zoning out, we passed a woman with kids.. we basically sped passed her. Thats when it hit me. Shit.

"Did you finish in me.." my voice trembled.

"What?" He raised his voice a bit.

"Did you.."

"Oh yea i did." He smiled, god i hated him so much. I was having a panic attack, i didnt want any kids im only 18 especially his.

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