Chapter 6: School Spirit ( Part 2 )

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( At the Diaz Household, at dusk )

Mera was in Marco's room with Ferguson, Alfonzo, and Marco, she was sitting on Marco's bed and was fixing a rip on one of Star's dresses with a needle and thread. Marco was looking suspiciously outside his room's window.

Ferguson: ( to Marco: ) Why can't I go home?! Dude, it's Taco Wednesday. It's the day we eat all the leftovers from Taco Tuesday!

Mera: ( raises her brow ) What are " leftovers "?

Marco: ( to Mera: ) It's food from the day before that were left over. ( To Ferguson: ) Because your home would be the first place the Warriors would look when they try to kidnap you!

Mera: ( sighs ) This is the opposite of what I said to you, Marco.

Ferguson: ( to Marco: ) Yeah. It kinda feels like you're trying to kidnap me.

Marco: ( to Ferguson, menacingly: ) I'd watch that talk if you ever want to see your parents again.

Mera: ( scoldingly, with her hands on her hips: ) Marco Diaz. That's no way to talk to people, especially your friends-

Star: ( off-screen: ) Marco!

Marco opens the wind blinds, he and Mera saw that Star was hanging off a power line while holding a squirrel by it's tail.

Mera: Oh, dear...

Star: Hey, Marco, do you have any highly flammable liquid?

Marco: I don't know. Check the garage.

Star: Cool, thanks! ( Drops down with the squirrel )

Mera sighs tiredly, mentally reminding herself that this wasn't the craziest thing she had seen Star do. She then finished fixing the rip on the dress, pinned the needle on the collar of her dress, and used her tail to hold the bobbin of thread as she began neatly folding the dress as Marco closed the blinds, Alfonzo and Ferguson watched her in awe.

Marco: Alright-

Ferguson: Man, I bet I could get a lot of action if I had a real prehensile tail like Mera.

Alfonzo: Oh, yeah.

Ferguson: Hey, ladies, you care for a drink? Wha!

Ferguson whips his costume's tail at an open soda can. The soda spills onto a nearby laptop, shorting it out. Marco, Alfonzo, and Ferguson stood there in shock and silence, Mera lets out a sigh and stood up with the now folded dress on her arm.

Mera: I'll clean it up.

Marco: No, Mera, it's okay, you don't-

Mera: Marco. Let me do my job.

Marco: You're not on Mewni and I don't think you know how to-

Mera: ( honestly and calmly: ) I'll figure it out, I always do. ( Walks to the laptop )

Marco: Mera, It's fine, you do-

Mera: ( happily: ) Done.

Marco: Huh?!

Marco, Alfonzo, and Ferguson saw that the laptop was now fixed and cleaned, Mera smiled happily at the three boys.

A Moth and a Butterfly, Sisters by Heart ( A Svtfoe fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now