Chapter 17: Mewberty ( Part 1 )

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Mera was in class with Marco and Star as the bell rang, Star was staring out the window at some boy making terrible music on the hood of his car. Mera calmly gathered her stuff as Marco talked to Star.

Marco: Star! Time to go.

Mera's eyes widened when she saw a purple heart on the middle of Star's forehead.

Marco: You got some paint or something. ( Points to the middle of his forehead ) Right here.

Star peels off the purple heart and her eyes widened.

Star: Marco, this is not paint.

Marco: Well, looks like you got another heart.

Mera: Marco, quiet. This is serious! I think Star is going through...mewberty.

Numerous purple hearts appear on Star's face. Star pull her hair over her face.

Marco: Weeellll, oookaaay. Uh, mewberty. ( Chuckles ) That's nothing to be afraid of. We have a similar thing here on Earth.

Star: Don't confuse this with your Earth things, Marco! I'm from Mewni!

Mera: And I already went through it. Trust me, Marco, this is gonna get really weird.

Star: You gotta keep me away from boys! Wait a second...

Mera: Oh, no...

Hearts appear in Star's eyes.

Star: Marco's a booooy....

Mera grew twice her size and picked Star up by the back of her dress, keeping the mewman princess away from the human boy. Marco chuckled nervously and backs away.

Marco: When Mera said things are going to get weird, did she mean typical Star and Mera weird or destroy-the-school weird.

Mera & Star: ( at the same time: ) Destroy-the-school.

Marco: That's what I was worried about. Let's get Star home.

Mera then puts Star down and shrunk back to her normal size as they leave the classroom. Star looks around and slowly follows Marco and Mera, Mera was holding Star's arm. Star then started whispering stuff to herself that Mera wasn't able to hear, but she noticed that more hearts appeared on Star's face.

Star: ( to Marco and Mera: ) Guys, I don't think this is such a good ideaaahhh...

Star was about to stop at a water fountain when she saw that a boy was drinking from it, but Mera quickly grew twice her size and picked Star up and carried her away from the water fountain, and placed the princess next to Marco while keeping a hand on Star's shoulder just in case.

Marco: Whoa! Good job, Mery. Okay, let's go.

Marco grabbed Star's arm. Star suddenly shoots purple web from her hand, which sticks to a locker. Both Star and Marco started screaming, Mera pulled Marco's hand off of Star's arm. His hand is now purple. Star tries to unstick herself from the locker. The locker door swings open, and Star falls over and slides halfway into the locker.

A Moth and a Butterfly, Sisters by Heart ( A Svtfoe fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now