Chapter 30: Interdimensional Field Trip ( Part 1 )

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A/n: Hey, guys. Sorry for this chapter taking so long, but... I hope this was worth the wait, and I hope you enjoy the Tomera or MerTom moments I've put in this episode! Now onward to the chapter and the wholesomeness of our favorite monster girl!


Mera was on the bus and was sitting beside Jackie, as Mera was currently texting Tom on her portable mirror as the bus was moving, and she was carrying one of the muzzles her aunt and uncles got her just in case one of them calls her. While Star was screaming happily looking through the window of the schoolbus as it moved.

Jackie: ( whispers, to Mera: ) Star does realize that it's just a field trip, right?

Mera: ( calmly whispers back: ) It's our first field trip. This is just a normal Star reaction to new experiences.

Mera then flinched slightly when she heard Miss Skullnick yell " Cork it, Princess! ", causing Jackie to accidentally get a glimpse of who Mera was texting.

Jackie: Who's " Prince Bunny "?

Mera: ( quickly, with a huge blush on her face as she puts away her mirror: ) No one.

Jackie just gave the shy monster a knowing smile in response.

Jackie: Let's me guess. He's your boyfriend?

Mera: N-no.

Jackie then gets a text, and Mera saw that Marco had sent Jackie a funny image of a cat. Mera then tuned everything out as she pulled out her portable mirror, and continued texting Tom. She then stopped texting when she felt the bus stop.

Star: We're here!

( A few minutes later )

Mera stayed close to Star and Marco with a calm smile as the class looked around the Paperclip Museum. Star looking at the paperclips in amazement while Mera looked at them in curiosity.

Star: Amazing!

Mera: What is it?

Marco: It's a paperclip. Ugh, luckily I've got my phone.

Miss Skullnick took Marco's phone as soon as he pulled it out.

Miss Skullnick: No distractions, Mr Diaz. And for the rest of you...

Miss Skullnick then takes out a Megaphone and screams at it, Mera was the only one that wasn't affected by it.

Miss Skullnick: ( to the class: ) No monkey business! This is the Echo Creek Museum of Paperclips. We're going to spend the next day hours learning about the genius of this little bent of wire.

Mera was actually somewhat excited about hearing the history of the small pieces of bent metal wire called " paperclips " while the rest of the class just complained, causing Star to worry about the success of the trip.

Miss Skullnick: Well, you know what? Life is boring!

Star: Miss Skullnick! Life is supposed to be fun!

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