Chapter 24: Blood Moon Ball ( Part 2 )

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( A/n: This episode will be put into three parts. I hope you enjoy it anyway. Now, onward to the MerTom episode... That was my first attempt on making a ship name, I can't tell if it was good or bad. Anyway enjoy the chapter! )

Mera was in her room, getting ready for the ball while Star, Marco and Angel were standing outside her door. Angel was sitting next to Star, who was supportive about Mera's decision to go to the Blood Moon Ball and was mentally celebrating that Mera was finally giving Tom a chance, while Marco was panicked as he was still not sure if it is a good idea to let Mera go to the ball with Tom by herself. Mera was putting makeup on her cheeks to hide her cheekmarks as she heard Marco and Star talk to her and themselves outside her door.

Marco: ( to Mera, from the other side of the door: ) This is a big mistake, Mera.

Star: Oh, hush, Marco. Mera might have fun, plus I think it would be nice for her to get out of the house and do something other than chores or school stuff.

Mera finished putting on the makeup and then opened her closet to look for an outfit to wear.

Marco: Why can't she just stay here, where it's always fun? Like... guaranteed.

Star: It's a different kind of fun, Marco. Mera, do you need help with picking a dress?

Mera: ( pulls out a plain white dress ) Um, maybe? I don't really know, the only balls I have ever attended, Queen Moon or my Uncles, Rhombulus and Omnitraxus Prime would just have me stay and watch from the shadows so I wouldn't accidentally scare the guests.

Star: Alright, I'm coming in there. Marco, stay here.

Mera changed out of her casual clothes and she puts on the dress and plain black flat shoes. Star then came in and saw what Mera was wearing, she closes the door behind her.

Star: Yeah... No. ( pulls out her wand and points it at Mera ) Alright, hold still.

Mera: Star, no, wait-

The wand fires a cloud of glitter at Mera, and when it disappears, it reveals that Star had transformed the plain white dress into a beautiful white sleeveless dress with light purple moths and pink roses embroidered on the lower half of the dress. Mera's glasses had been transformed from dorky round framed glasses, to stunning cat-eye framed glasses. Mera's hair now a bit wavy, with Mera's bangs tucked behind her ears.

Star: Now that's more like it.

Marco: ( from the other side of the door: ) Are you two okay?

Mera: ( coughs ) Yes, Star just needs to learn to not use magic on her friends without warning.

Marco: ( from the other side of the door, to Mera and Star: ) All I'm saying is that guys like Tom never change.

Mera quickly started to become nervous, now thinking that going to the Blood Moon Ball is a bad idea.

Star: Again, Marco, you only met him today. And there's only one way for Mera to find out, so shush, Marco, you are scaring Mery. Now, come in here and tell us what you think.

Marco walked in the room and looked at Mera in shock, she nervously rubs her arm with a nervous expression.

Mera: How do I look? I look ridiculous, don't I?

Marco: No, you look great Mera. It's just, I have never seen you in anything like this.

Star: I know, right? She looks as beautiful as a princess.

Angel ran in and barked happily at Mera, making the monster girl smile.

Mera: Thanks. I just hope this is the right choice. I mean-

Star: Nope, none of that negative stuff Rhombulus and Omnitraxus have taught you. It's time for you to do something for yourself, instead of doing things for others, now, let's go to the balcony to call your rid. Don't worry, me and Marco will watch Angel while you're gone.

Star then grabbed the small bell and tiny hammer from Mera's bed, hands them to Mera, and dragged Mera out of the room to the balcony, Marco and Angel following close behind. Once they got, Mera held the small bell and tiny hammer in her hands, and her nervous expression turned into a serious one as she got to thinking about what Star said about her doing something for herself instead for others.

Marco: ( whispers: ) Don't go.

Star: ( whispers, to Marco: ) Stop it, you're going to scare her.

Mera: ( takes a deep breath ) I'm sorry, Marco, but... Star is right. I have never done anything for myself, maybe it's time to do that, even....even if it means my uncles and aunt find out.

Mera uses the tiny skull hammer on the small black bell. It makes a deep, resonant gong. In a pillar of fire, a small elevator car carried by a red winged demon appears. The elevator car dings open and lowers a short drawbridge to Star's balcony.

Mera: ( takes a deep breath ) Here goes nothing.

Mera enters the elevator car, and sat down inside. Star watched with a proud smile, while Marco was still worried about Mera going, Angel made a small whine as slightly didn't want Mera to leave, but the doberman knew that she had to.

Winged Demon: ( to Mera: ) Which floor, mortal?

Mera: Um... The bottom?

Marco: Let me just ride down with you, Mera.

Marco tried getting into the elevator, but Star pulls him away.

Star: Bye, Mery! Have fun! See you after the... ( spooky voice: ) Bloooood Mooooon Baaaaall.

The elevator door closes, and Star and Marco watched as the elevator lowers into the underworld in a pillar of fire, and they watched as it vanishes.

Star: ( to Marco, as she saw that he was still worried: ) Don't worry, Marco. Mera can take care of herself, plus... If Tom hurts her... ( pulls out her wand with a smile. ) I know where he lives. And Angel will help me, won't you boy?

Angel barked in agreement.

Marco: Are you sure we can't just-

Star: No, Marco, we aren't using the dimensional scissors to interrupt Mera's first date.

( Meanwhile with Mera, in the elevator car )

Mera takes a deep breath to try to calm her nerves. She then glanced at her tail and sighed.

Mera: He'll probably think I look ridiculous... ( with a serious expression: ) No. This is what's best for me. I can do this. I look fine. Nothing bad will happen.... And after this, I do not breath a word to this to my aunt and uncles... because they will freak out, especially Rhombulus, he will definitely freak out like a dog in a thunderstorm.


That's it for this chapter, I hope you like it

Are you excited for the next chapter? How well do you think the ball is going to go for Mera and Tom?

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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