Chapter 19: ( I couldn't think of a name for this chapter ) ( Short )

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( A/n: This takes place during the events of " Pixtopia ". )

Mera was sweeping the living room floor, when she saw that the book of spells was on the coffee table.

Mera: Oh, dear. Star must've left the book down here when she went to check on the boys-

The book opens and Glossaryck leviated out of the pages of the book.

Glossaryck: Did someone say " Glossaryck "?

Mera: ( chuckled ) No, sir.

Glossaryck: Well, who cares. How have you been, Little Solar?

Mera: I'm fine as always, Glossaryck. Just doing my daily duties.

Glossaryck then paused and thinks for a moment before he glanced around to make sure that no one was in the room with him and Mera, before he turned to Mera with a smile.

Glossaryck: Hey, Mera, has anyone told you about when Lekmet and Hekapoo were saved by The Fox?

Mera turned to Glossaryck in curiosity and surprise.

Mera: My aunt and uncle knew The Fox and were saved by him?

Glossaryck: Yep. It was during the war between Mewmans and Monsters, one of the monster generals had captured the three of them and was planning to kill all three of them with a crossbow, but The Fox thought of a way out.

Mera listened to the story with complete interest, while Glossaryck was mentally remembering the memory while telling the story to Mera without mentioning what The Fox looked like.

( Many years ago, during the war between Mewmans and Monsters )

Hekapoo, Lekmet, and The Fox, who was a teenage boy that looked no older than 15, wearing an black, orange, and white fox-themed rogue outfit and the orange mask on his face, the hood and mask were hiding any features that could reveal his identity other than he was a mewman boy with, pale skin, dark freckles, and light turquoise eyes, were tied to a wooden pole. Their captor, a penguin-like monster was doing a boring villain monologue on how he was going to kill the three of them with the crossbow he was holding.

The Fox: ( to the monster: ) Oh, just shoot us already. For Mewni's sake, this suspense is boring me.

Lekmet made a distressed goat sound in response to what The Fox said while Hekapoo side glaring at him.

Hekapoo: ( whispers angrily, to The Fox: ) What are you doing?!

The Fox: ( whispers to Hekapoo and Lekmet: ) I'm calling his bluff, guys. ( To the penguin monster, teasingly: ) Come on, pull the trigger, you big baby!

Penguin monster: ( angrily: ) I'm not a baby! I'm a big boy! A big, monster boy!

The Fox: ( teasingly: ) Baby.

Penguin monster: Stop it!

The Fox: ( teasingly: ) Baby.

Penguin monster: STOP IT!

The Fox: ( teasingly: ) Come on, Baby!

Hekapoo: ( to The Fox, angrily: ) Stop teasing him!

The Fox: ( laughs ) I can't help it. He's incapable of doing anything right on his own!

Penguin monster: Stop saying that! I'm sick of it!-

The Fox then stands up with a grin and one of the crossbow's bolts in his hand, revealing that he had somehow stolen one of the bolts and cut himself free, Hekapoo, Lekmet, and the penguin monster were in complete shock.

The Fox: Now, I'm going to kick you in the face for kidnapping me and the two magic high commission members.

The penguin monster was about to fire at The Fox, but the teenage mewman boy punched him in the throat, causing the monster to fall to his knees holding his throat in pain.

Penguin monster: ( to the Fox, gasping: ) I thought you said that you were going to kick my face?-

The Fox: You calling me a liar?

The Fox then kicked the penguin monster in the face, knocking him out.

The Fox: ( to Lekmet and Hekapoo, calmly with a smile: ) ( whistles, then snapped his fingers ) Now, let's get you two back to Queen Comet.

( Back in the present, with Mera and Glossaryck )

Mera: No way! How come Aunt Hekapoo and Uncle Lekmet never mentioned this before?

Glossaryck: Sometimes it's hard for people to talk about someone in the past...

Mera: Oh, right... It makes sense why they might not want to talk about him sense he has been missing for about 15 years. Oh, I should be checking on Star and the boys, they have been too quiet.

Mera then went upstairs, and Glossaryck let out a sad sigh.

Glossaryck: Yeah... Missing...

( Momentarily cut to Mewni )

Lekmet was placing a flower at a grave under a light gray tree with purple and orange leaves. The grave's headstone had a fox carved on it, but dirt was covering the words on it, hiding the identity of who's grave it was...


That's it for this short episode, I hope you like it

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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