Chapter 14: Diaz Family Vacation ( Part 2 )

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Mera, Star, and the Diaz family walked through the forest, Mera was holding her tail to make sure nothing grabbed it.

Star: So it's really kind of important to keep moving. There's a bleeding willow tree.

Mr and Mrs Diaz: Ooh.

A centipede-like monster quickly slithers past Marco and Mera. Mera jumped slightly when she saw it.

Marco: Aah! Whoa!

Star: Here's a carnivore blossom.

Mera then started walking ahead, and then she saw that Mr and Mrs Diaz were running down the road, she then had an idea. She climbed up a tree, and began following them from the trees by swinging tree to tree by using her tail. She then saw them go in a cave. She'd sneaked inside the cave, and saw that Mr and Mrs Diaz were no where in sight.

Mera: Oh, no! I knew that something bad was going to happen. I need to go fin-

Mera was then suddenly swooped up and taken to a ledge, and she saw that Star and Marco were fighting a hydra.

Mera: Marco! Star! Oh, no-

She turned and saw Lekmet.

Lekmet: ( says to Mera, " Mera Milky-way Monster, what are you and Star doing here on Mewni. You both are supposed to be on Earth. " in a series of goat sounds )

Mera: I know, I know, Uncle. But, you grounding me will have to wait, Star and our friend Marco are in danger! ( Points to where Star, Marco, and the hydra are at )

Lekmet looks with wide eyes, before he nods his head at Mera, he then picks her up, and flew to the scene. When they got there Star and Marco were running in opposite directions, four heads followed Star and four more heads followed Marco, Mera and Lekmet quickly caught on to what the two were planning, and Lekmet dropped Mera off to where Star was. Mera threw two rocks at two of the heads that were chasing Star, getting their attention.

Mera: Hey! Come and get me you overgrown reptile!

Star: ( is still running ) Mery?!

Mera quickly ran in the opposite direction of Star as the two heads chased her. Lekmet then caught the attention of two of the heads that were chasing Marco, in the air, and they started chasing him.

Marco: ( still running ) I'm not the only one that can see the flying goat man, right?!

Mera: That's my Uncle Lekmet! We're here to help!

Mera, Star, Lekmet, and Marco then dodged the heads, getting their necks entangled, to the point they got so entangled, they tie into a knot. The hydra suffocates and falls over. Lekmet then lands next to Mera, and began checking if she was hurt.

Mera: ( laughs ) Uncle, I'm fine.

Star: Woo-hoo!

They then heard trumpeting yelling, and King Butterfly aka River appears on a cliff holding a spear and wearing nothing but a loincloth, which caused Lekmet to quickly cover Mera's eyes.

Mera: Huh?

King River jumps down from the cliff, ready to challenge the hydra, and he stops when he noticed Star.

A Moth and a Butterfly, Sisters by Heart ( A Svtfoe fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now